Less Than 30 Days Until The Reunion!
Are You Planning to Come to the Malvern at 110 Reunion? It Is Less Than 30 Days Away! Malvernites from the past eight decades will be gathering on 11 and 12 May 2013 at Malvern Collegiate (55 Malvern Avenue in the Beach) to celebrate the school’s 110th anniversary.
Malvern Red & Black Day – Oct 5, 2012.
The Malvern Red & Black Day brought out the Malvern spirit during the all day event. When I arrived, the girls had already won both their Field Hockey games. While I was there, the boys’ soccer team won their game and I saw the Malvern touchdown in the boys’ first game. The Junior and Senior teams were playing that day.
Where are they now? – Roxanne Deans
Some of you may remember Miss Roxanne Deans (Class of ’91). She pursued her career in theatre for a number of years and decided that it wasn’t for her anymore.
A Glimpse Of The 1990’s
Columbine – Megacity – An Inconvenient Truth – Hong Kong reverts back to China from British rule – Austin Powers – Y2K –
MCI – The Best English Department in Toronto
Good afternoon, Esteemed Members of Malvern’s Red and Black Society: It is indeed my honour, and my pleasure, to have been invited to be your keynote speaker today. I also bring greetings from our principal, Line Pinard, who is unable to attend today. She wanted me to extend her good wishes to all of you, and her heart-felt gratitude for the remarkable ongoing support this strong and vibrant community of Malvern alumni continues to provide our school.