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Privacy Statement

Our contact information:


Mailing address:  Malvern Red and Black Society
c/o Malvern C.I.
55 Malvern Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4E 3E4

  1. When you register or request to join the Malvern Red and Black Society (MRBS) we will need some personal information such as:
  • Full Name
  • Maiden name (if applicable)
  • Mailing Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Year of graduation and/or status as former staff or connection to Malvern.
  1. We do not sell, rent or give away our lists or information about you without your express consent.
  2. We may provide your information to MRBS affiliated groups (e.g., a MRBS decade or reunion committee).
  3. We do not provide your information to any commercial or business groups.
  4. We will occasionally send out MRBS related information (e.g. Musings newsletter). If you do not want to receive this information, please let us know by email or mail.
  5. One of our purposes is “Keeping Malvernites in Touch”. Occasionally someone may want to get in touch with you (e.g. classmate, friend). In that situation an MRBS representative will reach out to you first. If you want to get in touch we will facilitate a connection. If you choose not to make a connection, we will advise the person making the request that we were unable to facilitate the connection and we will not share your contact information.
  6. If you no longer want to be a part of this group, let us know. We will remove you from our database. You can inform us by email or mail.
  7. If your contact information changes, let us know by email or mail and we will update your information as quickly as possible.
  8. We are an organization of volunteers. We will make mistakes. If we do, first we are sorry and secondly let us know and we will try, whenever possible, to correct the error and work hard to not to make the same mistake again. Tell us by email or mail.
  9. We may revise our privacy policies from time to time. If we do change our policies, we will post a notice on our website and other social media sites we own and/or operate. At that time, you will have the option of “opting out” by contacting us as per the notice and having your information removed from our database.