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Code of Conduct

All MRBS members shall act in accordance with the following code of conduct, as below. All users of MRBS social media, including Facebook, email, the MRBS website and other social media sites we own and/or operate, will also act in accordance to this code of conduct, whether they are members or not.

1. Approval

All content to be posted on our social media sites, to be presented or stating to be associated with the MRBS, may be subject to approval by the Malvern Red and Black Society (MRBS). We reserve the right to remove content. All event advertising, (e.g. books) regardless of status, must be approved.

2. Respect

Help create a welcoming environment. Treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness and respect are required. We reserve the right to block anybody from using our social media sites, website and/or email.

3. No Hate Speech or Bullying

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind is not allowed and degrading comments will not be tolerated.

4. Content

Do not post: political content, links to other sites (except for obituaries of Malvernites), random memes and jokes. Please stick to the purpose of the MRBS: “Keeping Malvernites In Touch.”

5. Add Value to the Discussion

If If you decide to comment on a social media post, ensure it is adding value to the discussion. Be friendly, be fair and use common sense.

6. Sharing Another Person’s Information

Do not post the personal information of another person. Such information needs to come from the person directly.

7. Sharing Your Information

To protect your privacy, do not post your personal information on our site.

8. Connecting with Other Members

For MRBS members who wish to contact another member, if that member gives us their express consent, we may be able to facilitate this.

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