• DECADES – 1980s

    We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Please contact your decade coordinator at 1980s@malverncollegiate.com. Can you believe that is has been at least 15 years since the 80’s ended and 25 since it began? Ahhh, the decade of decadence, crash and renewal:

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  • DECADES – 1960s

    We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Please contact your decade coordinator at 1960s@malverncollegiate.com We have scheduled another joint 1950s/1960s reunion at the Balmy Beach Canoe Club for Saturday, May 14, 2011, from noon until six. Watch for more details in future on this page.

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  • Memorial and its stories will be both be restored this summer

    The names are listed in lead letters that are slowly falling away from the granite background. They belong to the 25 men of Malvern Collegiate Institute killed during the First World War and remembered on the cenotaph erected by a grateful Beach community in 1922. Now, after 89 years of weather damage and benign neglect, the monument will be restored this summer and rededicated at a ceremony on Nov. 4.

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  • Memorial and its stories will be both be restored this summer

    The names are listed in lead letters that are slowly falling away from the granite background. They belong to the 25 men of Malvern Collegiate Institute killed during the First World War and remembered on the cenotaph erected by a grateful Beach community in 1922.

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  • Musings Spring 2011

    President’s Message A great deal has happened at Malvern since our last Musings was published in September 2010. We put out our appeal to you for donations to the Malvern C.I. War Memorial Restoration campaign, and funds started to slowly trickle in. We had planned to hold a Comedy Show in support of this campaign, but we had to cancel it because of slow ticket sales.

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  • Musings Fall 2010

    We hope you have all had an enjoyable summer. Now September brings the beginning of another school year. We are now launching a special campaign that will resonate with many members of the Malvern community. We are starting the school year with a comedy show to raise funds for the restoration of the Malvern War Memorial, sculpted by noted Canadian sculptor and coin designer, Emanuel Hahn.

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  • Musings Spring 2010

    Rod Tennyson: Malvern’s Own Rocket Scientist helps in Apollo 13Crisis A desperate phone call forty years ago propelled a Malvern alumnus, RodTennyson (class of 1956), and his colleagues at the University of Toronto’sInstitute for Aerospace Studies into heroic status. On 16 April 1970, a cryfor help came from Grumman Aerospace, an Apollo 13 contractor. Onits way to the moon, an oxygen tank on the Apollo 13 had exploded.

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