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MRBS Meeting Minutes, October 2016

Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
Oct. 4, 2016, 7pm
Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present:  Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, S. Burk, D. Fuller, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: E. Butchers, D. Chadwick, Volker Masemann, S. Munro

  1. Minutes of 13 September 2016 Meeting

Acceptance of the minutes of the 13 September meeting moved by Adele, seconded by Vandra.  Accepted.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

Vandra replied to John Leahey’s inquiry about the War Memorial, noting that there is an existing committee, which he may join if he wishes and that the issue must be put on hold for the short term as we will be going through a period of transition.

  1. Announcements

Vandra announced that the Malvern Spirit Day this year was being held on Wednesday 6 October.  She noted that she would be attending Remembrance Day ceremonies at the school and that alumni/ae were welcome.  The Malvern craft fair will be held on Saturday 3 December in the cafeteria.

  1. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported that the response to her plea for funds and for volunteers that appeared on the front page of the fall newsletter has produced a mixed response.  It included many supportive comments, some donations, but no new volunteers.

  1. Vice President’s Report, Fall Musings – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that the fall newsletter had gone out, and Vandra noted that there were once again some bounce backs of undeliverables.  Adele reminded everyone that the documents needed for the AGM were due by 21 October at the latest.

  1. Communications Reports –

Mail – Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported that since the beginning of September, we have received several donation cheques and 9 bounce backs of the newsletter.

Email, phone – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we had received 2 phone calls about registration, which were passed on to Dianne. In addition, there were 16 emails to the Red & Black account, 5 registrations, 5 changes, and 6 others including a thank you and an archives donation.  There were no 40s or 60s emails.

Database – Dianne Chadwick

In Dianne’s absence, Vandra reported that the updating of the database was ongoing.

Website, Facebook – David Fuller

Sandra noted that she was unable to get into her 70s account.  David promised to look into it.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported on what may be our last independent financial report if amalgamation of the OMF and the MRBS goes through.  Moved by Bob, seconded by Adele that the report be accepted.  Unanimous agreement.

  1. Proposal to merge with the Onward Malvern Foundation, implications for AGM

Rod reported that the response from the members of the OMF for our merger proposal was very positively received by everyone at the last OMF meeting.  Agreement to the change was unanimous.

Rod also distributed a document entitled Proposed Participation of MRBS when merged with the OMF.  It was a summary of what the MRBS can contribute to the new organization. Considerable discussion followed, and some adjustments were made, including the following:

The MRBS will publish one last newsletter to inform our members of the merger.

Three issues of the newsletter will be published: fall, winter, and spring.

There will be a joint meeting of the OMF Board and the MRBS executive on 15 November.

There will be 6 regular meetings of the new entity, plus an AGM at which officers will be elected.

Rod moved a motion that the merger be accepted in principle based on his revised document.  Seconded by Bob.  Passed unanimously.  The proposal will then go to the MRBS AGM in November for discussion and a vote.

  1. Any Other Business

There was no other business.

  1. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.

MRBS Meetings in 2016-2017 are on the first Tuesday of the month. The November monthly meeting will not be held as the AGM is on Saturday 5 November at 1:00 p.m. in the School Library.

Archives Days are on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The next one will be held on Wednesday 12 October 2016.

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