MRBS Minutes – March 2017
Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
March 7, 2017, 7pm
Archives Room, Malvern C.I.
Present: Vandra Masemann (Chair), S. Burk, D. Fuller, R. Tennyson, R. Watson, Volker Masemann, D. Chadwick
Regrets: E. Butchers, S. Munro, A. Ashby
- Minutes of 4 October 2016 Meeting
Acceptance of the minutes of the 4 October meeting moved by Vandra, seconded by David. Accepted.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
- Announcements
Vandra announced that David Fuller had taught three Grade 10 History classes about the use of primary documents from WWII and had met informally with the Grade 12s in the Archives. Jan Haskings-Winner’s Grade 10 students had used the Archives for their history projects again this year. David will be giving a talk at the Beaches Library on April 15 about the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
- President’s Report – Vandra Masemann
Vandra reported that donations had continued to come in until the end of December. She had sent thank you letters to all of the 2016 donors, also telling them that their tax receipts would come from the OMF. She was under the impression that Commencement might be moved until June for 2017 graduates but would check with the Principal. The OMF meeting on January 23 had set up a committee to study the conditions of the merger with the MRBS. Vandra had polled the MRBS on their views and would present the summary at the March 23 meeting.
- Vice President’s Report, Spring Musings – no report
- Communications Reports –
Mail – Vandra Masemann
Vandra reported that several more donation cheques came in until the end of December. She had written thank you letters to all of them. No mail was received in January and February. She had received an email notice for the renewal of Bluehost.
Email, phone – Bob Watson
Bob reported that we had received 2 phone calls about registration, which were passed on to Dianne. In addition, there were 16 emails to the Red & Black account, 5 registrations, 5 changes, and 6 others including a thank you and an archives donation. There were no 40s or 60s emails.
Database – Dianne Chadwick
Dianne’s reported that the updating of the database was ongoing.
Website, Facebook – David Fuller
David urged us to renew the web host and the domain and then sort it out after the merger. Rod seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously that it be paid.
- Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
Bob reported on what may be our last independent financial report if amalgamation of the OMF and the MRBS goes through. The bank balance is down to $220, but we have $625 forthcoming from the OMF. The GIC was cashed to finance the last Musings.
- Proposal to merge with the Onward Malvern Foundation, implications for AGM
Rod had circulated a set of issues that needed to have a decision made about them. This list was circulated to the MRBS Executive and volunteers. The responses were summarised in an Excel sheet by Volker Masemann. Below is a summary of the decisions made at this meeting:
Bank accounts – there will be two bank accounts, one for the OMF and one for the MRBS. The MRBS account will remain open to receive cheques from alumni who do not want a tax receipt, and for cheques relating to the business of the new Alumni Affairs Committee.
OMF Board Members – after the merger, new Board members will be appointed according to OMF procedures. Some MRBS members are available to fill the vacant slots. Bob Watson volunteers as Treasurer. Adele Ashby volunteers as Secretary and Musings Editor.
It is suggested that Alumni Affairs and Malvern Archives Committees be established as OMF Committees. The Chairs do not have to be Board Members.
Revision of OMF Charter – It is suggested that the OMF Charter be revised with an amendment to include the Malvern alumni. Details are on the following page.
Mailings to parent database – the Musings/notices will be sent to parents via the school, with the approval of the Principal.
Volunteers for Musings – Adele Ashby has volunteered as Editor-in-Chief. Volunteer editors will be solicited to edit news from the alumni, parent and OMF constituencies.
Transitional Dates – March 23 OMF meeting: the MRBS will present the proposal for the merger.
May 16 OMF meeting: the agreement will be voted on.
June 30: end of MRBS financial year.
August 31: end of OMF financial year.
September 23 or 30: MRBS Annual Meeting moved up for final vote on the merger.
- Any Other Business
There was no other business.
- Motion to adjourn
MRBS Meetings in 2016-2017 are on the first Tuesday of the month. The next meeting is on 4 April 2017.
Archives Days are on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The next ones will be held on Wednesday March 22 and April 12 and 26.
OMF Mission Statement in Application for Incorporation, p. 2:
- a) To receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply all or a part thereof and the income therefrom for charitable purposes of an educational nature and, in particular, to provide scholarships, fellowships, bursaries and financial assistance to students of Malvern Collegiate Institute, to provide equipment, furnishings, teaching aids and supplies to public educational institutions in Canada; and to develop and maintain programs, curricular and extra-curricular, to enhance the educational experience of students at Malvern Collegiate Institute.
- b) To carry on or assist in carrying on programs in order to increase knowledge with respect to teaching methods, teaching skills and teaching aids through research, education and publication of books, papers, reports, periodicals and pamphlets, and to provide funds to charitable organizations which carry on such programs.
OMF Mission on our CanadaHelps Web Page <>
Our Mission
The Onward Malvern Foundation exists to encourage and support education by providing scholarships and bursaries to students as well as by encouraging curricular and extra-curricular activities. It also provides a way for Malvern alumni to support the present school, the Malvern Archives, and their alumni association, the Malvern Red and Black Society. The Foundation also supports the care and maintenance of the 1914-1918 War Memorial. *
About Our Charity
The Foundation supports creating, developing and promoting the best conditions for education of students at Malvern Collegiate Institute, including support for staff through teaching, research, education tools and professional development.
* I suggest we edit the wording that is underlined and put it as the third part of the Mission Statement at the top. Alternatively we could add it onto the first paragraph. Please send me your comments and suggestions. VM