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MRBS Meeting Minutes, July 2016

Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee Meeting
July 7, 2016, 7pm
Masemann Residence

Present:  Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, D. Fuller, Volker Masemann, R. Tennyson, R. Watson, Lois Maxwell

Regrets: S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Chadwick, S. Munro

Guest: Cindy Fuller

  1. Minutes of May 3, 2016 meeting

Approval of 3 May 2016 minutes moved by Adele, seconded by Volker.  Accepted.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

Vandra noted that the issue of the date of Commencement would stay the same for the time being, but that there still may be change in the future as it is still a unresolved issue.

  1. Announcements

Vandra noted that a 1956 grad, Barb Williamson-Farrow, has volunteered to organise the repair of the band uniforms and we have put out a call on Facebook for volunteers to assist her.  As a result, the funds collected for the uniforms can be devoted to purchasing new ones.

  1. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported that after canvassing at the school and the board, she was unable to detect any information about planning any school-based events to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary. [In the interim, notice has  come to the school of some funds available through the Province  of Ontario for the repair of cenotaphs among other suggested purposes for celebrating the Sesquicentennial of Confederation. The Principal is looking into this.]

  1. Vice President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reported that she has begun work on the Fall Musings, which will be the last one to have mass mailing of the paper copy.

  1. Communications Reports

Mail – Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported that since May there had been 12 letters with donations, 2 letters with a registration cancellation and some clothing donated to the archives respectively, and 9 returned envelopes. Of the donations, $835.00 is payable to OMF for band uniforms and other school-related purposes, and  $750.00 was donated to the MRBS for archival and other uses, but is not available until the fall via the OMF.

Phone, email – Bob Watson

Bob reported 1 phone call, no 40s or 60s email, 7 web registrations, 4 comments and memories about George. McRae, and 8 others.

Database – Dianne Chadwick

In Dianne’s absence, Vandra reported that Dianne was continuing to update the database.

Website, Facebook – David Fuller

David reported that there may be a way of posting copies of our Muses through an on-line publisher.  He will investigate.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we have received our spring funds from the OMF, but there is still not enough money in our bank account to publish the fall newsletter.We will have to call on our reserves.

  1. Ways to support Malvern
  2. a) Ads to help fund the Musings: Cindy Fuller offered to try to raise funds through advertising in the newsletter. [However, Dianne Chadwick had previously been doing this, so we will need to check with her to co-ordinate our efforts.]
  3. b) A Malvernite, John Leahey, has been in contact about moving forward with fund-raising for the repairs to the Cenotaph. Vandra will approach the OMF to see if a new fund-raising project would be approved. She moved a motion to that effect, seconded by David.  However, it was decided that we needed to know more about Mr. Leahey’s plan so that we could revisit the issue at our September meeting prior to raising it in October at the OMF meeting.  The revised motion was approved.
  4. c) Inquiries have been received about the possible transferring of a number of the best quality Malvern band recordings to a digital format. Considerable discussion ensued. In the end, it was decided that from among the best 4 recordings a short sample track be chosen and put up on the website in order to try to determine the interest.
  1. Any Other Business

Schedule for 2016-2017: Vandra has applied for the permits for holding meetings on the first Tuesday of each month in the Archives Room (excluding November 2016). Archives Days will be held on the second Wednesday of each month.

But the September MRBS meeing will be held on Tuesday September 13 to avoid the beginning of school rush, as the room may be needed by the administration.

  1. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele.


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