MRBS Meeting Minutes, Feb. 2, 2016
Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
7:00 p.m., 2 February 2016
Archives Room, Malvern C.I.
Present: Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, D. Chadwick, Volker Masemann, R. Watson
Regrets: S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Fuller, S. Munro, R. Tennyson
- Minutes of 6 October 2015 meeting
Acceptance of the minutes moved by Adele, seconded by Volker. Accepted.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
Vandra noted the following: we have received a total of $500 from the OMF: one quarter of our joint mailing costs for the Musings with an OMF appeal ($125) and $375 for archives-related expenses.
- Announcements
Vandra reported that she had accepted a donation for the archives from her cousin, whose mother Marjorie Higgins, had won a scholarship to Malvern and a gold medal in 1921. Vandra was also asked by a group of parents about her views on the possible shifting of the date of commencement to the Thanksgiving weekend. After some deliberation, it was decided that the MRBS would not support the move. The OMF was scheduled to meet next on February 23 after two cancellations. [Ed. Note: This meeting was also cancelled – the next meeting will be on April 19, 2016.]
- President’s Report – Vandra Masemann – Planning for 2016
Vandra reported that her goals for 2016 included the revision of the website and our mailing list. She will get in touch with the computer instructor to see if there is a student who might be interested in assisting with the website and will also contact Al Schwartz about the use of our website. She also noted that Jan Haskings-Winner, the Assistant Curriculum Leader (ACL) of the Canadian and World Studies Dept., is using the archives in February and March to give students an experience of archival research tied in with the Grade 11 and 11 History curriculum for the years 1950 to 1990. It was also decided to ask members for new of any alumni reunions that have been held this year.
- Vice President’s Report and Spring Musings – Adele Ashby
Adele requested that the next issue of the Musings be deferred until the May meeting.
Dianne told the members present about a visit she and her sister had made to visit George McCrae, who is now 90. It was decided that that birthday was worth celebrating in the Musings.
Dianne agreed to write a piece about the visit.
- Communications Reports
Mail – Vandra Masemann
Vandra reported that there had been only 1 returned newsletter envelope since December and that we had not received any donations.
Email, phone – Bob Watson
Bob noted that since our last meeting, there had been no 40s or 60s emails. The Red & Black account from 7 October to 14 December had received 2 emails, 1, a web registration, the other, an inquiry about air cadets. From 11 January to 1 February, it had received 16 emails, 1 about a donation tax receipt, and 15 replies to the request to members about whether they wished their names to be posted on the website. There had been no phone calls. He urged us to make another appeal for donations.
Dianne Chadwick – database
Dianne continues to update our snail mail list followed by the email list in preparation for the publication of the spring Musings.
David Fuller – website, Facebook
In David’s absence, there was no report.
- Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
Bob reported that we had just enough in our account to get us through to the Annual General meeting in November.
- Ways to support Malvern – ads in Musings etc.
Dianne agreed to look into the possibility of commercial notices for future Musings. She will also try to determine an appropriate price.
- Any Other Business
There was no other business.
- Motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.
Moved by Volker, seconded by Adele.