MRBS Meeting Minutes 16 Jan. 13
Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
7:00 p.m., 16 January 2013
Archives Room, Malvern C.I.
Present: A. Ashby (Chair), M. Graham, D. Fuller, D. Halliday, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Munro, S. Nathwani, R. Watson
Regrets: S. Burk, I. Hubel, R. Tennyson
1. Minutes of December meeting
Adele moved acceptance of the Minutes, seconded by Bob. Accepted.
2. Matters arising from the Minutes
Vandra noted that the final number of sales for the rugby shirts is 22. We have two left – a small and a large.
3. Announcements
Megan Graham was welcomed as our new 2000s co-ordinator. She is a 2010 graduate whose father Rick attended Malvern in the 70s. Her brother graduated in 2004.
4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby
Adele noted that a decision had been made to publish to spring issue of Musings earlier than usual this year. A deadline of 31 January for submissions had been set. The issue will be ready for distribution at the February 13 meeting. Additions to the content list included an interview by Vandra with Mrs. Langevin about her Malvernite brothers, Jack and Andy. David also offered a short piece on Malvernite C.F. Szammer, who fought in World War I and who was awarded the Croix de guerre. In addition, there are some items for an In Memoriam column.
5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann
Vandra reported the following:
- · that she would be attending an OMF meeting on 22 January and expected that the subject of a capital campaign would come up. She noted that the MRBS has not received any formal request for assistance. An informal request was made to include a legacy letter in the next issue of the Musings. Since the publication date has been moved up, doing so would be difficult. It was suggested that any such letter be included in the fall issue.
- · that Dean Sasabuchi, head of science at Malvern feels that science students could receive some support from MRBS alumni. He asked if we could put out a call in the Musings for Malvernite scientists who might be contacted with a view to coming to talk to the students.
6. Group ticket update – Sandra Burk
In Sandra’s absence, there was not update.
7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday
(a) Snail mail – Sonya Munro
Sonya reported that she and Vandra had sent out thank you letters to all 2012 donors to the MTBS.
(b) Email and phone hot line – Bob Watson
Bob reported that the Red and Black web email had received 11 emails including 6 about the reunion. There had been no 60s or 40s emails or any phone calls.
(c) Database – Donna Halliday
Donna noted that she continue to chase down change of address information.
8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
Bob reported that there was $3,226.44 in the MRBS bank account with one outstanding cheque, and $1,149.22 in the reunion account, with 32 registrations so far.
9. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani
Shanta reported that we have 222 in our Facebook group and that she is still testing the reunion event page with 172 people stating that they plan to attend. Our Twitter feed is dark due to lack of new postings. Our website has been busy. On one day, we had 94 hits on the homepage and 16 on Malvern 110, with a record 232 hits in one day on the homepage. She asked for ongoing updates to the Malvern website. Vandra and David are going to check out the website.
Shanta noted that she would not be able to attend meetings until May but would be available via email.
10. Other business
David noted that his family tree research for Malvernite veterans has prompted a number of responses with family members adding personal details to the existing official information.
11. Motion to adjourn
Motion made by Adele, seconded by David.
Reunion meeting
1. Reunion planning
- · Adele noted that she had sent out thank-you letters to all those who had made donations to the reunion.
- · Vandra stated that she was planning to attend the February Home and School Council meeting and planned to do a presentation to ask parents to volunteer and to ask their children to do so.
- · Donna raised a number of questions. Should the registration fee be raised to $40 for those who register at the reunion as an incentive to get registrations in early? A discussion ensued, and the decision was made that the fee should not be raised but that promotion of the event should include a statement that only with early registration could people be assured that they would receive the full package and could have access to lunch, as predicting numbers on the basis of early registrations is an uncertain business.
- · Donna received permission to mail registration tickets to those who do not have email.
- · Donna noted that everyone who wanted to come to the reunion had to register in order to receive a name tag and access to lunch. Furthermore, registrants who were not Malvernites should check the “Friend of Malvern” box.
- · Vandra noted that she had finally heard from the TDSB about the display boards. They are double-sided, 3 x 4 feet that are held up by posts, with 2 panels between each set. They will be used in the gym, and it is hoped that the phys ed teachers and alumni volunteers will take responsibility for filling them.
- · Volker noted that he had met with some of the decade co-ordinators about the room displays and would meet with some more that evening. There is a problem with the 80s in that he has been unable to locate any previous materials. He has put in a call to Len Nanjad to see what he knows. It was noted that Sean Matthews might have useful 80s material. The kind of content that has been used in the past included pictures of graduating classes, of staff, of outstanding graduates, sports teams, plus more general material relating to the decade such as music, popular culture, historic events, and so on.
- · Vandra and Donna briefly talked about the plans for the update to the Centennial book, including the updating of staff lists, athletic championships, drama productions, and so on. The front cover will show a picture of the War Memorial surrounded by autographs from the Muses. There will also be a history of the MTBS, an In Memoriam column, and a “What are they doing now” feature. The book will contain the same number of pages.
2. RFP for reunion souvenirs
Vandra noted that the RFP for souvenirs had been finalized and that it appeared that RightSleeve was the only vendor to have sent an Expression of Interest. It has offered to set up on on-line store and will ship any pre- orders. The matter of distribution at the event is still to be negotiated. The deadline for proposals is February 5.