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MRBS Meeting Minutes 12 Sept. 2012

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:30 p.m., 12 September 2012

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.


Present:  V. Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Halliday, I. Hubel, S. Munro, S. Nathwani, R. Tennyson, R. Watson


1. Minutes of July meeting

Acceptance of the Minutes was moved by Adele, seconded by Evan.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

Vandra noted that the Minutes included a discussion of the possibility of a work-to-rule by teachers in the fall.  The legislation that has caused the rift with the Ontario government was passed yesterday, and teachers chose instead to make a one-day protest while on the job.


3. Announcements

Adele noted that the AGM will be on Saturday 3 November at 1 p.m. in Room 110 this year and requested that all documents be submitted by our next meeting, 10 October.

All other announcements were dealt with later in the meeting.


4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele summarized the meeting that had taken place earlier in the day with Rod and Mike Falla about the music component of the Reunion.  The Alumni Band under the baton of George McRae will play during the Opening Ceremonies.  The Malvern Senior Dance Band and the Jazz Choir will offer danceable music in three 45 minute sets from 12:30 on either in the gym if the weather does not co-operate or on the tennis courts if it does.  Both the morning and afternoon will play Onward Malvern as a finale.  Adele and Rod have been invited to a preview in the winter.  Mike, who proved exceedingly helpful, offered the possibility of finding a decade co-ordinator for the 2000s, and noted that a leadership group exists in the school under Claudine Tyrell whose members would probably like to volunteer to help with the Reunion.


5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported the following:

  • ·         Fran Perkins and Laura McLeod, neighbours of the school, had tended our new gardens all summer.  The Eco Club will now be responsible.
  • ·         there will be an opening ceremony for our new archival cupboards on Wednesday 19 September at 10:45 with a ribbon cutting and refreshments.
  • ·         there will be an OMF meeting on 24 September.


6.  Group ticket update – Sandra Burk

Sandra reported that she had received a cheque from DanCap for $61.57, with a little more to come and she is continuing to try to reach a similar arrangement with other theatre companies.  




7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Sonya Sonya reported that there had only been two letters received over the summer and no donations.

(b) Bob Bob reported very little traffic either by email or phone.  The Red and Black email has been flooded with junk mail.

(c) Donna  Donna reported a few bouncebacks and additions.


8. Treasurer’s Report — Evan Butchers

Evan reported that as of the end of July, we had $4,652.02 and as of the end of August, $4,711.64 in our bank account, which will be depleted by the publication of the fall Musings.


9. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani

Shanta received a round of applause and thanks for her rescue of our website, which has now gone live.  Thanks moved by Vandra, seconded by Adele.  Passed unanimously.


10. Reunion planning

The following progress has been made on the planning of the reunion.

  • ·         Adele will write an article to appear in the Beach Metro News.
  • ·         As reported above, the music programme is progressing well.
  • ·         The presence of a marketing programme in the school offers the opportunity for class projects related to marketing the Reunion. Vandra will contact Line about it.
  • ·         The registration form is finally ready, with especial thanks to Vandra.  Rod will field test it.
  • ·         Rod’s payment has not yet been received by our bank account.  Bob will contact Tim to find out when and how it will do so.
  • ·         Rod will rework the draft programme to be posted on our website.
  • ·         Vandra presented a proposal to cut the length of our presence at the Reunion in order to reduce caretaking costs.  There was general agreement that the hours will now be Friday, 10-6, Saturday, 8-6, with take-down from 4-6, and Sunday, 9:30-1, with the Memorial Ceremony and library archive visits from 10:30-12.


11. RFP for reunion souvenirs

Vandra circulated a draft of an RFP for souvenirs to include all shipping and handling. 


12. Other business

There was no other business.


13. Motion to adjourn 

Moved by Rod, seconded by Evan.

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