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MRBS Meeting Minutes 12 Dec. 12

MRBS Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 12 December 12 at 7:30 p.m.

Restaurant, Queen’s Quay

Present:  A. Ashby (Chair), S. Burk, D. Halliday, Vandra Masemann, S. Nathwani, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets:  D. Fuller, S. Munro

Guest: Volker Masemann

1. Minutes of October meeting

Acceptance of the minutes moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.

3. Announcements

Vandra announced the following:

  • We have had 24 rugby shirt orders, with a good response from the Facebook people.  We ordered 5 extras, 3 of which are already spoken for.
  • The OMF will pay for the refurbishment of the plaques on the archives sports trophies.  Volker and Donna will photograph them when the work is done.
  • Vandra announced that the January MRBS executive meeting had been changed from 9 to 16.

4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that what she had to report dealt with the reunion and would be discussed later.

5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

Vandra announced that there had been a meeting of the OMF at the end of November, and Bob went in her place as she was unavailable.  Bob reported that we have received $500 that was meant for the OMF, which he handed over.  We received a cheque for $1,090 for donations meant for the MRBS.  The OMF would like to send out a letter about legacy donations with our spring Musings.  After some discussion, it was decided that the spring mailing was not suitable and that we would ask the OMF to wait until the fall one.

6.  Group ticket update – Sandra Burk

Sandra reported that she was still working on a possible discount with Mirvish and Canadian Stage.  She can offer 20% off The Wizard of Oz.

7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Snail mail – Sonya

In Sonya’s absence, Vandra reported that Sonya was using the new mail tracking form.

(b) Phone and email – Bob

Bob reported 5 phone calls, mostly to do with Musings.  There were also 30 MRBS emails, mostly to do with address changes, rugby shirts, and the reunion.

(c) Datebase – Donna

Donna has just done an update, and we currently have a total of 2,675 entries, 1,634 email and 831 snail mail names and addresses.

8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we had $2,907.39 in the bank although the actual balance is $4,478 because 3 cheques have not been cashed.

9. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani

Shanta thanked Vandra for her Facebook efforts.  She noted that we needed to decide who is posting when on the website and that the computer in the Archives Room is now fully functional.

10. Other business

Shanta noted that and Remembrance Day and Commencement ceremonies went well and that she had handed out reunion registration forms at the latter.

Donna reported that the Malvern Red and Black Day was a success and that she had posted photos on the website.

11. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Irene, seconded by Vandra.

Reunion meeting

1. Reunion planning – opening ceremonies, reunion responsibilities, and RFP for reunion souvenirs documents

The opening ceremonies, the reunion responsibilities, documents and the RFP for reunion souvenirs were discussed and revised.

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