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MRBS Meeting Minutes 10 Oct. 2012

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:30 p.m., 10 October 2012

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.


Present:  A. Ashby (Chair), E. Butchers, D. Halliday, I. Hubel, S. Munro, S. Nathwani,            R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Burk, V. Masemann

1. Minutes of September meeting

Acceptance of the September Minutes moved by Adele, seconded by Evan.  Accepted.

2. Matters arising from the Minutes

All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.

3. Announcements

The announcements were incorporated into Vandra’s Vice-President’s report below.

4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reported the following:

  • The Fall 2012 Musings had been both mailed and emailed.
  • Most members of the MRBS Executive have accepted the invitation to the Christmas get-together organized by Rod at his condo’s restaurant.
  • She reminded everyone that early November events included the AGM on Saturday 3, Commencement and Remembrance Day ceremonies on Friday 9 November. For Remembrance Day, there are two ceremonies, one for the Junior Assembly from 9:05-9:45 and a second for the seniors, from 9:45-10:35.  Commencement begins at 7:00 p.m.

Adele noted that at the moment, she has no content for the special Reunion issues of Musings, and she asked for suggestions.  They included the following:  a complete listing of all the principals with their photos, a repeat of the Don Getty article with a follow-up, a listing of the categories of the archives with information on how to access them.

5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

In Vandra’s absence, the following was reported by Adele.

  • Vandra has sent out the Rugby Shirt Order From to the school to be sent to parents and posted it on Facebook.  Donna will post it on the website.
  • Information about the Malvern Red and Black Day, and the Reunion have been posted on Facebook and the website.
  • The War Memorial and Garden accounts and the archives cupboards project have been wound up.
  • Vandra worked with the OMF to revise the CanadaHelps web page to include the MRBS and to list the categories under which teachers can apply for funds.
  • David Fuller is going to help Mike Izzo with Remembrance Day.

6.  Group ticket update – Sandra Burk

In Sandra’s absence, there was no report.

7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Sonya – snail mail

Sonya noted that there had been three returned newsletters and one reunion registration.

(b) Bob – email and phone

Bob reported that there had been no phone calls or 40s and 60s emails, but the Red & Black address had received 27 emails about the website, the rugby shirts, address changes, the reunion, and yearbooks.

(c) Donna – Database

Donna noted that she had updated the mailing list before the fall mailing and that there were 2681 members on the master list, 1626 for email, 842 for snail mail.  She also noted that so far, we had received 22 bouncebacks that she and Sonya were trying to track down and 7 returned due to insufficient postage.  The extra weight was due to the addition of the OMF letter, and the additional postage amounted to $4.86.  She also has 21 new MRBS registrations and updates.

8. Treasurer’s Report — Evan Butchers

Evan reported that as of 28 September, we have $4,338.96 in the bank, with uncashed cheques outstanding that will reduce it to $3,048.67.  Evan also announced that due to his health, he was going to have to resign.  After regrets were offered, a discussion ensued about the timing.  It was agreed that his official resignation would take effect as of 3 November 2012, the date of the AGM.  Evan offered to provide support to whoever would take over the position. Bob offered to help in any way.  Thanks were expressed to both.

9. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani

Shanta reported the following:

  • The website is up and running.  What needs to happen now is that the editors decide who will edit what and when it will be posted.
  • She is working on getting the picture gallery ready for use and setting up automatic links to our Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-in pages.
  • Our main Facebook page has 207 followers, the reunion page, 156.  Since we want the latter to register so that we have working funds, to keep urging them to do so.
  • Our website was the subject of a presentation that Shanta gave at a Word Press Word Camp.
  • The development of the RFP for the reunion souvenirs is in progress.

10. Reunion planning

Rod reported that he and Adele had had a meeting with Claudine Tyrell at Malvern.  She is in charge of the leadership programme and will co-ordinate the recruitment of student volunteers for the reunion.  Irene Hubel has agreed to be the reunion volunteers’ co-ordinator.

Bob noted that he has received offers to volunteer as a result of the reunion registration process.  He will keep track of the information and share it with Irene.  It was agreed that these volunteers should be thanked for their offer. Adele will compose one and send it to Bob so he can contact them.

Adele noted that she had been interviewed by Jon Muldoon, the new Beach Metro News editor for an article about the reunion.

11. RFP for reunion souvenirs

Shanta reported that it was in progress.

12. Other business

Donna noted that she had uploaded a number of images from the 50s to the website and that the Balmy Beach Club has published a fund-raising history book on it written by the father of two Malvernites, Kevin McConnell.  Since it is full for information about Malvernites, it was decided that we purchase a copy for the archives.

13. Motion to adjourn 

Moved by Adele, seconded by Evan.

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