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Meeting Minutes – August 15, 2017

Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
Aug. 15, 2017
Masemann Residence

Present:  Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, S. Burk, D. Fuller, D. Chadwick, R. Tennyson, Volker Masemann

Regrets:  V. Tsorlinis, R. Watson

  1. Minutes of 2 May 2017 meeting

Acceptance moved by Adele, seconded by David.  Accepted.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

Vandra noted that Graduation Commencement had taken place on 29 June 2017.  She also noted that our request for funds from the OMF had gone through and the cheque had been received.  In addition, donations of $450 had also been received to cover the cost of the gardening and a plaque about the 12 new trees planted by the city to commemorate Canada 150

  1. Announcements

Vandra announced that she had had an introduction to Bernadette Shaw, Malvern’s new principal.  She also noted that Volker had done the gardening at the end of June, and Volker reported that the red and white petunias, planted to celebrate Canada 150, looked appropriate for Commencement. While we had received some donations for the plantings, we did not have any volunteers. In addition, the Home and School had used our posters for the even and were pleased with them.

  1. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra reminded everyone about the upcoming Tuesday 12 September MRBS meeting, the Saturday 30 September MRBS AGM meeting, and the fact that 1 September 2017 would be our final and the OMF’s financial year end.  The next OMF meeting for September and October will be on the third Tuesday of each month.

  1. Vice President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that starting in September, issues of the Musings would include items from the school, OMF, and the Home and School.  A profile of the new principal would be a priority.  She will accompany Vandra to a meeting on 13 September to meet her.

  1. Communications Reports

Vandra Masemann – mail

Vandra noted that mail had dropped off over the summer, but we had received donations for the gardening and had written to thank the donors.

Bob Watson – email, phone (regrets)

In Bob’s absence, Vandra noted that we had not received much email since our last meeting and commented on the fact that we had received only five responses to our requests for feedback on the proposed merger with the OMF.

Dianne Chadwick – database (regrets)

In Dianne’s absence, Vandra noted that the database would be updated before the next issue of Musings went out.

David Fuller – website, Facebook – discussion of Members’ List

David noted that he needs access to our website’s hosting, and several executive members stated that they were having difficulty accessing the website.  David wants to review the entire website. In addition, our Canada Helps page needs updating.  The question of the banner on the home page came up, and a final decision about a change was left for the next meeting.

  1. Discussion of items to resolve concerning the merger with the Onward Malvern Foundation, implications for MRBS. Response from several members.

A discussion ensued about the archives, and a proposal that they be linked to the library in order to create great access to them included the proposal suggestion that the archives become a regular item in Musings was well received.

  1. Any Other Business

There was no other business.

  1. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Volker. Carried.

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