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Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2017

Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
7 pm 12 September 2017
Archives Room Malvern C.I.

Present:  Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, S. Burk, D. Fuller, R. Tennyson, Volker Masemann,  V. Tsorlinis, R. Watson

Regrets:  D. Chadwick

  1. Minutes of 15 August 2017 Meeting

Acceptance of the 15 August meeting minutes moved by Adele, seconded by David. Accepted.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

Vandra noted that the plan to see the new principal would have to be postponed as she was very busy with the return to school. Vandra also reported that in a conversation with Nicki, she suggested that instead of proposing to attach the Archives to the library that we consider the Social Sciences department instead.

  1. Announcements

Vandra stated that she would prefer to deal with announcements later in the meeting.

  1. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra stated that she would prefer to deal with her report later in the meeting.

  1. Vice President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reported that the submission of AGM documents was in process.

  1. Communications Reports

Vandra Masemann – mail

Vandra reported that she had not have time to check for mail.

Bob Watson – email, phone

Bob reported that there had been no phone calls, but there were 3 outstanding issues, which Dianne was taking care of. He also reported that there had been no ’40s or ’60s emails and that he cannot access the Red & Black. David offered to help.

Dianne Chadwick – database

In Dianne’s absence, Vandra reported that the updating of our members’ list was continuing.

David Fuller – website, Facebook

David reported that our website and our Facebook page are functioning.

  1. Discussion of any remaining items to resolve concerning the merger with the Onward Malvern Foundation.

Vandra presented her report at this point in the evening. She began with her conversation with Nicki and her suggestion that, instead of proposing to attach the Archives to the library that we consider the Social Sciences department instead. Further discussion ensued about the TDSB’s new policies for school-level fundraising. They may preclude it. Therefore, the future of the OMF is in some doubt. As a result, the proposed merger of the MRBS and the OMF has become moot. Since we currently have no reliable information on its status, Rod moved that we change the 30 September date of our annual general meeting back to early November in the hope by that time there would be some clarification. Seconded by David. Approved unanimously. The date to be set later. Rod posited that there were two urgent issues that needed to take place:  1. A meeting with the principal in the hope of getting some clarification of these issues, 2. A decision about the sponsoring of the Christmas Fair, which is organized by Vicky. The Home and School, which normally sponsored it, was having its meeting at the same time as the MRBS executive meeting and would probably discuss the Fair. However, Vicky is no longer a member of the Home and School, and it is unlikely that another member of that organization would take it on. The question arose as to whether the MRBS should do so and what might be the implications of the possible fundraising ban if the MRBS did so. The decision about whether to proceed with the Fair was left in Vicky’s hands.

  1. Future fund-raising ideas – Vicky Tsorlinis

As noted above, the decision about what to do with the Fair was left in Vicky’s hands. Future ideas would be discussed when we had clarification on the fundraising issue.

  1. Planning for the AGM

The decision on the date of the AGM was left for the next meeting. Meanwhile, Adele requested that everyone who needed to submit reports to please keep to the original deadline.

  1. Any other Business

There was no other business.

  1. Motion to Adjourn

Moved by Vandra. The meeting ended at 8:30 p.m.

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