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Meeting Minutes – October 10, 2017

Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
7pm 10 October 2017
Archives Room Malvern C.I.

Present: Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, S. Burk, D. Chadwick, Volker Masemann, V. Tsorlinis, R. Watson

Regrets: D. Fuller, R. Tennyson

  1. Minutes of 12 September 2017 Meeting

Acceptance of the Minutes of the 12 September 2017 meeting moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.


  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

As noted in the September minutes, several board members were experiencing difficulties with webmail access. David has fixed the problem with no loss of data.
Vandra noted her concerns about the future of the archives, and in discussion with various stakeholders, has defined 3 possibilities:

  1. that we simply carry on as before at least for the time being
  2. that we attach the archives to the History and Social Sciences department
  3. that, should the school expand to the point that the archives room might be needed as a classroom, its contents would be transferred to the TDSP archives at Eastern Commerce Collegiate Institute
  1. Announcements

Vandra noted that several news outlets, including the Toronto Star and Breakfast Television had items on the subject of the back stage wall, which had been slated to be painted to cover comments considered inappropriate. The move to do so has sparked strong protests.

  1. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported that she and Adele had had a meeting with the new principal on 4 October at which some issues regarding the future of the MRBS, the OMF, and the Parent Council were discussed. The passage and disbursement of moneys acquired by these groups will be changed.

A new policy would ensure that the process would be fair, equitable, and transparent and no group of students would be favoured. The principal is performing an audit and will decide what funds will go where. In addition, as the Home and School, now the Parent Council, had not been correctly set up, it will be reconstituted and changes will be made to the OMF.

  1. Vice President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that the production of the AGM documents is in process.

  1. Communications Reports

Vandra Masemann – mail

Vandra noted that we had received one letter since our last meeting, a request for a subscription for the paper Musings.

Bob Watson – email, phone

Bob reported that there had been no new calls on the hotline and 3 outstanding items that Dianne was working on. There were no new emails from the ’40s or ’60s, but the Red & Black webmail had 7, 6 web registrations and 1 change of address.

Dianne Chadwick – database

Dianne noted that she was in the process of updating the database for the AGM in November.

David Fuller – website, Facebook – discussion of Members’ List

In David’s absence, there was no report. Vandra noted above that the problems with the webmail had been fixed.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we had a very small amount in the bank, which was in sufficient to pay all our bills.

  1. Preparation of the reports for the AM on 18 November 2017

As noted above, Adele reported that the AGM documents were in process, some of which would need adjustments given the changes going on the Malvern.

  1. Discussion of any remaining items to resolve concerning the merger with the Onward Malvern Foundation

Vandra suggested that we need to take a long view about the future of the MRBS and the possible merger, which has become problematic. She had posted a call for nominations on Facebook. If there is no merger with the OMF and no nominations to fill the positions on our executive that must be filled, president, vice-president, and more, because those who currently serve cannot continue to do so according to our constitution, we will have little choice to do anything other than shut down. The decision is ours as we are the best run organization attached to the school and are not under scrutiny.

Vandra called for a straw vote about the problem of amalgamation. Those present unanimously chose to not amalgamate with the OMF in view of its many failings. The final and deciding vote will come at the AGM in November. The consensus is that we are running out of steam.

  1. Any other Business

There was no other business.

  1. Motion to Adjourn

Moved by Adele. The meeting ended at 9:05pm.

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