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Meeting Minutes — December 13, 2017

Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
8:30 p.m., December 13, 2017
Beacher Café, Queen St. E.

Present:  Evan Butchers (Chair), S. Burk, A. Ashby, D. Fuller, D. Halliday, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, R. Tennyson, R. Watson, I Hubel
Regrets:  D. Renwick, J. Heighway, V. Tsorlinis, L. Maxwell

  1. Minutes of October 12, 2017 Meeting

Motion:  That the Minutes of the October 12, 2017 meeting be accepted.

Moved by Adele Ashby, seconded by Evan Butchers.


  1. Matters arising from the Minutes
  • Vandra Masemann to draft letter re: attaching archives to Malvern History Department. Rod Tennyson suggested adding the detail that certain articles might be returned to the donor.
  1. Announcements
  • Sonya Munro’s archives to be picked up and moved to the Malvern archives on Dec. 13, 2017.
  • OMF meeting scheduled for Dec. 19th, 7:00 p.m. Guest will be TDSB accountant, who will outline new fundraising rules and what they will mean for OMF and MRBS.  Vandra Masemann will report back to MRBS after meeting.
  • Sesquicentennial plaque ready for pick-up. $934 raised since October to pay for it. Moved that MRBS contribute $200. from our funds.  Moved:  Vandra Masemann.  Seconded:  David Fuller.
  1. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

The President reported on the results of the Annual General Meeting held on November 4, 2017.

  • Board voted 10 to 1 against merging with OMF at this time. (R. Tennyson dissented).
  • Given the above, MRBS still existed, so called for nominations. Evan Butchers was acclaimed President, Sandra Burk was acclaimed Vice-President and Secretary, and Joyce Heighway and Adele Ashby were acclaimed new Members at Large.
  1. Vice President’s Report – Adele Ashby
  • Adele reported that the AGM documents had been delivered.
  1. Communications Reports

Vandra Masemann – mail

  • Vandra noted that as there was no Fall Musings, no communications were received.
  • Vandra reported that she posted an appeal for funds for the sesquicentennial plaque on Facebook.

Bob Watson – email, phone

  • Bob reported that there had been no new calls on the hotline.
  • Three outstanding items were dealt with by Dianne Renwick.
  • There was one 1940s email enquiry/request for info on former Malvernite.
  • No new emails from the 60s, but the Red & Black webmail had 3: above-noted enquiry/request for info, a donation, and 1 web registration (possibly a duplication).

Dianne Renwick – database

  • No report available as Dianne was not present.

David Fuller – website, Facebook – discussion of Members’ List

  • Vandra Masemann agreed to provide D. Fuller with list of deceased MRBS members for updating the Members List.

Moved acceptance:     Vandra Masemann.    Seconded:  Evan Butchers.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
  • Bob reported the remaining bank balance of $671.14, with no outstanding debits. (BobWatson/Volker Masemann moved that the actual number be made public.)
  1. New Officers

Vandra Masemann reported as follows:

  • New President = Evan J. Butchers
  • New Vice-President and Secretary = Sandra J. Burk
  • New Member at Large = Joyce Heighway
  • Member at Large = Dianne Renwick
  • Member at Large = Lois Maxwell
  • Member at Large = Vicky Tsorlinis
  • Member at Large = Adele Ashby.

Motion:  That the above-mentioned new Executive Committee be installed and that the retiring members be thanked for their 14 years of dedicated service to the MRBS.

Moved:  Vandra Masemann. Accepted.

  1. Change in MRBS Meeting Dates
  • MRBS meeting dates to be changed to the second Tuesday of every month.
  • Archives Committee will meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
  1. Any other Business
  • Clarified that MRBS can solicit donations but cannot issue tax receipts.
  • Fundraising issue is of concern, ie, new policy of TDSB, secured funding for archives in future.
  • Sonya Munro’s Johnny Johnson Award still has $20,000. in the fund. Sonya Munro to write letter of intent/provide instructions to Nickie Lewis.
  1. Motion to Adjourn

Moved by Adele.  The meeting ended at 9:07 p.m.


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