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Meeting Minutes 7 May 14

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 7 May 2014

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present:  A. Ashby, D. Fuller, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann,   R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Chadwick, S. Munro


1. Minutes of April meeting

With some minor corrections, Adele moved the acceptance of the April minutes, seconded by Volker.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

  • At our last meeting, Bob had reported experiencing difficulties with our webmail.  He noted that he had contacted Shanta and that they had been fixed.
  • Vandra noted that she had asked for assistance from the TDSB archivist for the refurbishment of our Big Book.  Since time was short and we have a list of recommended conservators, we will make contact with them to get an estimate on the repairs.


3. Announcements

There were no matters arising from the Minutes that would not be discussed elsewhere on the agenda.


4. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra noted that she had spent a great deal of April dealing with OMF affairs.  There were two candidates for chair, Deborah McGinnis, a Malvern parent, and Lorie McCauley, an OMF member.  The latter is the new chair, and the former is now a committee member.  In addition, Vandra noted that she had served nearly ten years on the OMF, latterly as interim chair and head of the selection committee.  She asked for a volunteer to take her place as committee member.  Rod Tennyson agreed to do so, and a motion to that effect was moved by Vandra, seconded by David.  Approved unanimously.

Vandra also noted that since the OMF wanted to raise its profile and public face, it was suggested that it offer two awards, one male and one female, at Commencement. This was approved at the OMF meeting in April.

Vandra also noted that the issue of greater physical accessibility within the school and the adding of an elevator have been taken on as issues by the OMF.

The United Way has sent $1,000 in donations that were earmarked for Malvern.  The OMF voted to set aside $500 of this money to be available to the principal for emergency funds to assist students in need.


5. Vice-President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reported that the Musings in both paper and electronic forms had been sent out.





6. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro – mail, Bob Watson – email, phone, Dianne Chadwick – database

(a) Snail Mail–Sonya Munro

In Sonya’s absence, there was no report.  She has been sending regular emails with the information.

(b) Phone & Email–Bob Watson

Bob reported that 3 phone calls had been received.  All 40s and 60s emails were junk.   The Red & Black webmail had received 14 messages:  5 changes to our database, 2 about the Musings, 1 about a tax receipt, 1 new member, 1 about sweatshirts, 1 from a donor, 1 request for a Muse, 1 about Eddie Caterer, and 1 a message of congratulations from Randy Deffett about the continued existence and successes of the MRBS. Vandra has sent a response to Randy’s message.

 (c) Database—Dianne Chadwick

In Dianne’s absence, Vandra reported that the database was up to date.


7. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that our bank balance is $5,250.95, with 2 outstanding uncashed cheques.  Rod will contact the person in question.  Funds being held back include $3,238, $1,000 for future reunions, $900 for the Big Book, $200 for the Sequester Project, and a GIC of $1,000.

Vandra made a request for $600 for archives supplies and moved a motion to that effect, seconded by David.  Approved unanimously.


8. Sequester Project Report – Rod Tennyson

Rod reported that at the school level, the garden boxes had been built and were ready for soil and planting and that trees had been planted along the Swanwick side of the school.  At the city level, he has had had one meeting with the city councillor who is responsibility for tree planting and has another scheduled.


9. Garden Liaison – Volker Masemann

Volker reported that the gardens need some work, which has not started yet because the advent of spring has been so late.  He will talk to the teacher responsible about what needs to be done. [He did the garden spring cleanup on May 14. Ed. note.]


10. Other business

Vandra asked those present about their preference for the 2014-15 meetings, and the suggestion was made to move them to Tuesdays.   She will check with the members not present.

The 2014 AGM will be held on Saturday 8 November.


11. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Rod.


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