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Meeting Minutes 6 March 13

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 6 March 2013

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.


Present:  A. Ashby (Chair), S. Burk, D. Halliday, S. Munro, R. Watson

Regrets: T. Daciuk, D. Fuller, M. Graham, I. Hubel, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Nathwani, R. Tennyson


1. Minutes of February meeting

With a minor change, Adele moved acceptance of the 13 February 13 Minutes, seconded by Sandra.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.


3. Announcements

There were no announcements.


4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that what she had to say would be dealt with later in the meeting when the reunion was discussed.


5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

In Vandra’s absence, there was no report.


6.  Group ticket update – Sandra Burk

Sandra had nothing further to report.


7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Snail mail – Sonya Munro

Sonya reported that for the month of February, we had 18 mailed registrations, and 8 returned Musings, which she was in the process of trying to track down.

(b) Email and phone – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we had had 3 phone calls related to the reunion, and 25 Red and Black email, 9 related to the reunion, 13 address changes, and 3 web registrations.  The 1960s web mail consisted of 2 questions related to the reunion.

(c) Database – Donna Halliday

Donna reported that as of 5 March, we had had 4 new MRBS registrations, 11 information updates, 4 reported deaths, and 4 deletes.  Donna resent the Musings to all the emails, from her personal address, as the 16 TDSB emails sent by Inbox had been labeled as spam and they all bounced back.  She has requested that we be removed from the spam list.  She also sent 4 Musings to new members.  The database now has 2,672 members on the master list, 1,649 on the email and 817 on the snail.



8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that the MRBS account has $2,385.46 and the reunion, $2,313.31.  Our service charge for the month of February was $5.17.  When it reaches $8.00, we will switch to another payment schedule.


9. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani

In Shanta’s absence, there was no report.


10. Other business

There was no other business.


11. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Sonya.


Reunion meeting


1. Reunion planning

  1. Vandra’s updated Who Does What list was reviewed and accepted.  Thanks were extended to Vandra for all her hard work.
  2. As it appears that the venues for various pub nights are probably going to demand both a security deposit and a minimum food expenditure, and as it is not possible for the reunion funds to cover them and the decade co-ordinators would have to cover them initially, Adele moved a motion to that effect with the proviso that any shortfalls would come out of reunion funds after it was over. 
  3. Motion:

As it is not possible for security deposits to be covered by reunion funds before the reunion takes place, decade co-ordinators will have to be responsible for them.  However, any shortfall will be covered by reunion funds after it has taken place. 

Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.  Passed.

  1. There has been some confusion about who should answer questions from reunion registrants forwarded by Eventbrite.  In one case, two people answered the same question with completely opposite responses.  To save time and avoid confusion, it was decided that Adele would act as gatekeeper.  She would either answer the question or forward it to someone else if she could not.  No one else should answer any question that she had not forwarded.


2. RFP for reunion souvenirs

In the absence of Vandra, there was no update on souvenirs.


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