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Meeting Minutes 5 Mar. 14

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 5 March 2014

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present:  A. Ashby (Chair),   R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Burk, D. Chadwick, D. Fuller, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Munro

Guest:  E. Butchers


1. Minutes of December meeting

Acceptance of the Minutes moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising from the Minutes that would not be discussed elsewhere on the agenda.


3. Announcements

There were no announcements.


4. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

As Vandra was not present, there was no report.


5. Vice-President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reported that the spring issue of Musings was in hand, and we hoped to have it ready for the April meeting for distribution.


6. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Vandra Masemann

(a) Snail mail—Sonya Munro

In Sonya’s absence, there was no report.

(b) Phone and email—Bob Watson

Bob reported that there had been 1 call on the hotline to ask about tax receipts.  There were no emails for the 40s and 60s, but the Red & Black account had had 7, 5 web registrations and two news clippings of interest to the MRBS.  Since 7 November, Bob had been holding 8 registrations and 1 correction, which are to go to our new database manager, Dianne, this weekend.

Database—Vandra Masemann

As Vandra was not present, there was no report.  However, Adele noted that Dianne Chadwick has agreed to become our database manager.


7. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that our current bank balance is $5,369.12, plus a GIC for $1,000 for future reunions.  Our budget for 2013-14 includes $1,000 for the reprint of the Malvern 110 reunion book, $600 for the repair of the Big Book, $300 for reunions, and $2200 operating expenses. 


8. Technical Director and Big Book Project Report –David Fuller

In David’s absence, there was no report.

9. Other business – Sequester Club proposal

Rod spoke to his proposal, and there was considerable positive, enthusiastic discussion about it.   It was decided that we would suggest that Vandra, our school liaison, should meet with the principal as soon as convenient to present the proposal and to urge that school become involved in the project with the help of the MRBS.


10. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.



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