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Meeting Minutes 4 Sept. 13

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 4 September 2013

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present:  A. Ashby (Chair), N. Bengert, D. Fuller, D. Halliday, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Munro, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Burk, T. Daciuk, I. Hubel


1. Introduction to new executive member

Natalie Bengert, the new executive member-at-large, who will serve as 80s co-ordinator, with John Leahey, was introduced.  Vandra moved that Natalie and John be appointed 1980s decade co-ordinators, seconded by Adele.  Passed. The member-at-large designation will be voted on at the Annual General Meeting on November 2.


2. Minutes of July meeting

The minutes of the 10 July meeting were accepted with minor adjustments.  Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.


3. Matters arising from the Minutes

All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.


4. Announcements

Vandra announced that Diane Sharpe, who had previously served as Vice-Principal, had been appointed the new Malvern Principal.  A suggestion was made that she be invited to an MRBS executive meeting, perhaps the annual Christmas dinner one, so that she has an opportunity to get to know us better.  Vandra is going to attend the next Home and School meeting in order to introduce her to its executive members.  [She sent a message that was read as she was indisposed that night.]

Vandra will discuss David’s use of the school’s records room with Diane to ensure his continued access.

Vandra has purchased a copy of Jane Fairburn’s book, Along the shore, to be placed in the archives.

Adele noted that she had contacted Gene Domagala, who had agreed to try to contact Norman Jewison, about the possibility of a school visit.


5. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reminded everyone that the fall Musings will be ready for distribution for the 2 October executive meeting. In addition, submissions for the AGM document package from the president, vice-president, treasurer, communications and decade co-ordinators, technical director, and the archives, souvenirs, and reunion committee chairs are due by 15 October.


6. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported that she had contacted 44 people who registered for the reunion but who had not received their packages.  They were either personally delivered or mailed to out of towners.


7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Snail mail – Sonya Munro

Sonya reported that there had been no snail mail during the summer.

(b) Phone and email – Bob Watson

Bob reported that since the last meeting there had been no phone calls.  The 40s and the 60s webmail contained only junk.  The Red and Black webmail had received 12 emails, 6 registrations, 2 inquiring about the Malvern 110 book, 2 about locating a student’s art work, and 2 address changes.

(c) Database – Donna Halliday

Donna reported that the master list now contains 2,657 entries: 1680 email correspondents and 649, snail mail.  The database is up to date as of 31 August, and the envelopes for the fall Musings have been printed.  She had revised the database over the summer to make it ready for the person who will take over.


8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported a bank balance of $8,131.61 with the cheques for the OMF and the sports and music programmes outstanding.  When they are processed, the balance will be $6,781.61.  We have $2,200 for operating expenses, $1,000 for the reprint of the Malvern 110 book, $500 for the restoration of the World War II photo book, $300 in cash and a $1,000 GIC for future reunions. Acceptance of his report was moved by Bob, seconded by David.  Accepted.

Bob also asked for a consensus on the number of bank signatories who would be needed to sign cheques.  It was agreed that 2 signatures should appear on all MRBS cheques.


9. Technical Director

Natalie has written a piece about the 80s decade for the website, and Vandra will get her set up with a password, and they will try to deal  with WordPress. 

Vandra will follow up on contacting Tim about assistance with technical matters.


10. Other business

Bob showed off a bantam football jacket from 1963 that has been donated to the archives.  Thanks will be sent to Jim Pearce, 1962-69.  Rod asked if we can continue to use the display case that he set up for the reunion.  Vandra will check.

Vandra showed off several archives donations including a 1942 Malvern M.  She also feels that we need to change the picture of the school that appears on the website and distributed some possibilities.  She had received a photo DVD from the photography teacher with a picture of the Memorial that she likes.  She also intends to request the services of a computer-literate student to help with the website.

Vandra noted that souvenirs such as rugby shirts, letter sweaters, and T-shirts will be available for ordering in the fall.

Volker reported that he had been tending the gardens over the summer and had harvested the garlic, which is to be used by the school to raise funds.

Donna reported that the training that she was to receive from the TDSB archivist on digitizing our archives has been delayed due to a change of quarters at the TDSB.  She added that she and Paula had been invited to the CNE opening ceremonies as a result of their long-time commitment to women’s baseball at the CNE. 


11. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.

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