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Meeting Minutes 4 June 14

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 4 June 2014

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present: Vandra Masemann(Chair) S. Burk, D. Fuller, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Munro, A. Ashby, D. Chadwick, I. Hubel, Volker Masemann


1. Minutes of March meeting

Bob moved and Rod seconded the acceptance of the Minutes.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

Archival supplies have been delivered and unpacked. The total cost was $511.43 since the school gave us permission to use the SAP for the educational discount.


3. Announcements

David announced the following:

  • The Malvern Senior Boys’ Baseball Team won the Southern Regionals. Although they lost the Ontario Federated School Athletic Association (OFSAA) qualifier, they will be playing in the semi-finals for the city championship.
  • Malvernite Jason Holmes hit 3 home runs at Talbot Park over the centre field fence and pitched a complete game (7 innings), a feat not seen in 50 years.


4. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

  • There has been no report from the TDSB archivist on the restoration of our books. [He later told us to go ahead.]
  • Vandra proposed a motion that Rod Tennyson also be proposed as a member of the OMF so that they could share going to the meetings. Passed unanimously.


5. Communications Reports

(a) Snail Mail–Sonya Munro

In Sonya’s absence, Vandra reported that there had been several donations and fewer bouncebacks than expected.

(b) Phone & Email–Bob Watson

Bob reported no phone calls and no 40s and 60s emails. There were 14 redandblack emails:

1 Website new member, 2 changes to our records, 2 about archives, 2 about the Ballroom Ball (people who can’t come), 2 about LinkedIn (to be deleted), 1 about Williamson Road Anniversary, 1 about Gym get-together for basketball, 1 about yearbooks, 1 about a donation to the Home & School Association (he will follow up), 1 other


(c) Database—Dianne Chadwick

Bob reported that the database was current.


6. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we have $4,030.90 in our bank account. We pay an annual fee of $2.95.

Our held funds total $3268.00 including the $30. for an Alumni table at the MCI Yard Sale
There is a hold back of $2,430 to fund various projects, plus $1,000 in a GIC for future reunions. The amount collected so far for the Book Restoration is $900. (Accepted – Bob/Rod)
Reprint 100 Reunion Books $1,000, WW II Big Book and Doris McCarthy Binding $900,
Operating Expenses (may be adjusted) $838, Reunion Reserve $300, Sequester Project $200, Alumni Table at MCI Yard Sale $30 (added at the meeting), Total $3,268. held in the account plus $1,000. in a GIC, Surplus in the account at the moment $762.90


7. OMF – Rod Tennyson

1. Rod reported that the OMF is planning a major appeal for August. They want to become a dominant force working with parents, and are establishing closer contact with them. They will focus on Grade 10s as the older students’ parents get more distant. They will also meet with the parents of Grade 8s and 9s.

2. The OMF is planning a BBQ and Yard Sale at Malvern for August 23. Tables are $30. The MRBS voted to set up a table ( RT,VM – passed).

3. The Boardwalk Ball is being arranged, and ticket sales are slow. Rod offered to pay for an email blast to the MRBS alumni to publicise this event. [We also added the notice about the 100th anniversary reunion of Williamson Road P.S. as they had requested our help with publicity.] Thanks to Rod.

4. Rod had objected to the idea of not placing plaques on the new auditorium seats that the OMF had sold. He suggested a larger plaque if they were not able to be placed on the individual seats. The matter was being re-considered.

5. Report from the MRBS. Rod had reported on his Sequester Project. Teachers Virginia Dawe, Mark Steele and Dean Sasabuchi as well as the Principal are in favour. The OMF members liked the idea that Malvern will be the exemplar school for the environment. They made this their special project this coming year.


8. Book Restoration Project – David Fuller

He reported that he had consulted Michael Moyer at the Clara Thomas Archives at York. He had also contacted Iona McCraith who is an archival advisor to the Association of Archivists of Ontario who is also a conservator of photos. He will follow up on contacting the conservators on the list sent by Greg McKinnon. He noted that grant money is tied to making information accessible online. He will follow up so that we have some information about estimates for the next issue of musings to request more donations.


9. Other Business

Dates of meetings for 2014-2015. It was agreed that the Executive meetings be on the first Tuesday of each month and the AGM will be on November 8, 2014. The Archives Committee will still meet on the second Wednesday of each month.


10. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Bob, seconded by David

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