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Meeting Minutes 2 Oct. 13

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 2 October 2013

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present:  A. Ashby (Chair), N. Bengert, T. Daciuk, D. Fuller, D. Halliday, J. Leahey, R. Tennyson

Regrets: S. Burk, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Munro, I. Hubel, R. Watson


1. Introduction to new executive member

John Leahey, who will serve as co-80s co-ordinator, was introduced and welcomed.


2. Minutes of September meeting

Acceptance of the Minutes of the 4 September meeting was moved by Adele, seconded by Natalie.  Accepted.


3. Matters arising from the Minutes

All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.


4. Announcements

There were no announcements.


5. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that the Fall 13 Musings was printed and ready to be stuffed and mailed except for the inclusion of the souvenirs order form.  When it is available, Natalie has volunteered to undertake the task.

Adele also reminded all those present that the deadline for the submission of AGM documents is 15 October.

Adele noted that she had received a question from Bob about continuing the use of our phone line. Is it worth it?  After some discussion, it was decided that we should continue, especially if another reunion is planned. [Vandra had spoken about this to the Principal. It may be that the school has another use for it. But it also depends on the Balmy Beach Swim Club’s response. Vandra will follow up on this.]


6. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

In Vandra’s absence, there was no report.


7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Snail mail—Sonya Munro

In Sonya’s absence, there was no report.

(b) Phone and email—Bob Watson

In Bob’s absence, Adele delivered his report.  There have been no phone calls or 40s or 60s emails, but there were 8 Red & Black, 3 web registrations, 1 paper one, 1 inquiry about music recordings for the Archives, and one other. 

(c) Database—Donna Halliday

Donna reported that she had cleared the database of problems that could not be solved, and it is up-to-date as of 1 October.  The main database now has 2,660 records, 1,685 email, and 644, snail mail. 

8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

In Bob’s absence, Adele reported that the balance in the MRBS account is $6,804, with no outstanding cheques except for upcoming charges for Musings printing, stamps, envelopes, and emailing.


9. Technical Issues – Tim Daciuk

Tim presented the Executive with three possible options as possible solutions for database management:

1. A paid system such as My Alumni, which can permit members to interact with each other.  The charges would be approximately $300 for set-up and $400-500 a year for maintenance.  It could provide links to our website.  Subscribers would have passwords and could make changes to their records.

2. Yahoo or Google Groups, which are no-charge and are generic rather than specifically alumni-oriented.  They would allow mass postings and sending out of information and mailings with no charge.  Links to the website could be set up.  There may be some concern about the fact that both Yahoo and Google would have access to all subscribers’ ID and email addresses.  Subscribers might then receive banner advertisements every time they signed on.  These can be simply ignored.

3. Public domain software for this purpose does exist.  For $60, as an example, we would be given a plug-in to add to our existing WordPress software.  There would be no banner ads, but the system would be less sophisticated, and we would have to create code and build it ourselves.  It might be possible to use students to do so.

Any such system could be uploaded, could print addresses for both email and snail mail members, and would be self-populating.

Tim’s suggested that he could look at all the options within each type and when asked for his opinion on the best choice, stated that he thought that Google would probably work and would save a lot of money.  It does most of what we want but does not foster community between members as the paid ones do.  Interaction is between system administration and members only.  He will email us some examples so that the conversation can continue at our next meeting.


10. Other business

At a suggestion from Bob, Adele raised the issue of the Christmas get-together and meeting.  The suggestion that seemed to suit those who attended was 12 December.  Adele said that she would canvas everyone else by email.

David raised the issue of Remembrance Day and the MRBS participation in it.  We noted that some members always attended.  In the ensuing discussion, of the plans for the restoration of the WWII photobook, the suggestion was made that Remembrance Day would be a perfect opportunity to tell the students and staff about the book and our fund-raising for it.  It was suggested that David be the guest speaker as he knows it best.

David also noted that we needed to get an estimate for the work to be done on the photobook, which could not be removed from the school.  A suggestion was made that a conservator be invited to visit the school on a working archives day.

Rod noted that we will have to dismantle the sports display in the showcase, and he suggested that we set up a clothes line in the Archives Room similar to the one at the 110 Reunion.


11. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by David.

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