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Meeting Minutes 2 Apr. 14

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 2 April 2014

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present:  A. Ashby, S. Burk, D. Chadwick, D. Fuller, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann,   R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Munro

Guest:  E. Butchers


1. Introduction of new executive member

Dianne was introduced to the members who had not been present at her first meeting.


2. Minutes of March meeting

Adele moved, Bob seconded the acceptance of the Minutes.  Accepted.


3. Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising from the Minutes that would not be discussed elsewhere on the agenda.


4. Announcements

David announced the following:

  • The boys’ senior hockey team had won the city trophy.
  • The boys’ senior baseball team is very strong, and hopes are high for it.
  • He had attended a Beach Community Meeting at which the new street front for Kew Gardens was discussed.
  •  Gene Domagala has acquired a collection of World War I photos of soldiers from the Beach, in which there may be a number of Malvernites.


5. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra noted the following:

  • There has been no report from the TDSB archivist on the restoration of our books
  • Vandra, as well as becoming Interim Chair of the OMF, is also head of the search committee to find a permanent replacement.  She has called for applications in a variety of media and possible sources.
  • We have had two posts on Facebook that may be problematic.  One regards an alum who announced that he was campaigning for appointment as a Liberal in the Beaches riding.  The second was a request for an ad about the possibility of the rental of a cottage.  After some discussion, it was decided that the newsletter would not carry ads, and that the posting of a notice on Facebook that is purely informational is acceptable.     


6. Vice-President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reported that the Spring Musings had been printed and would shortly be distributed by snail and email.  The additional cost of postage was noted.



7. Communications Reports

(a) Snail Mail–Sonya Munro

In Sonya’s absence, there was no report.

(b) Phone & Email–Bob Watson

Vandra noted that a decision had been made to keep the phone despite the small number of calls.

Bob reported 1 phone call, 2 Red & Black emails, and the fact that he has been having problems with the webmail system.  Shanta is looking into the matter.

(c) Database—Dianne Chadwick

Dianne reported that she had revised the database.


8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we have $6,384.12 in our bank account, including $1,015 from the OMF for donations to the MRBS, with the expenses for the Musings printing to come.  There is a hold back of $4,400 to fund various projects, and $1,000 in a GIC for future reunions.


9. Sequester Project Report – Rod Tennyson

Rod reported that his two meetings, first with the Principal and three teachers involving in environmental studies and subsequently with two groups of students, went very well.  They enthusiastically support the project.  The garden project will undertake the planting of trees that sequester greater amounts of CO2.  The MRBS agreed to undertake fundraising when we have a better idea of plans and costs.  It is hoped that what is done at Malvern can become an exemplar for other schools.  Rod requested $200 to get the project off the ground and proposed the following motion:

That in order to get the Sequester Project off the ground, the MRBS authorize the use of $200.  Moved by Rod, seconded by Adele.  Approved unanimously.

Rod noted that in the future, he hopes that we will hold “Releaf” Days as a kind of mini reunion in which we involve the parents and the rest of the community in the project at which information, trees, and compost.  Vandra will post information on Facebook.


10. Garden Liaison – Volker Masemann

Volker reported that he had talked to the teacher in charge of the Environment Club about the plans to plant red tulips.  We also need to determine who is going to water the plants over the summer.


12. Other business

With new electronic communication legislation in the works, there are several proposals that may affect us directly.  As David is monitoring the situation at work, he will be able to keep us informed.


13. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.


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