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Meeting Minutes – May 2015

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 5 May 2015

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.

Present: Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, D. Fuller, Volker Masemann, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Chadwick, S. Munro

  1. Minutes of April 2015 meeting

Acceptance of the April 2015 minutes moved by Adele, seconded by Volker. Accepted.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

All matters arising from the Minutes were covered elsewhere on the agenda.

  1. Announcements

Adele reported that she had visited the Home & School’s Spring Fling and Food Fair held at the school on 9 May and that it seemed to have been well organized and that the selection of vendors seemed to have been a good one.

  1. President’s Report – Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported on her efforts to get the OMF’s difficulties with accessing funds seemed to be bearing fruit. She has also agreed to be a signatory for the OMF’s bank account.

Vandra reported that Russ Little had objected to his commencement speech as it had appeared in the spring Musings. It had been necessary to do an edit. He has received an apology with an offer to post the entire speech on our website and on Facebook, and to publish the section that had been cut on our next Musings issue. It would appear that he is satisfied with the apology.

  1. Vice President’s and Spring 2015 Musings Report – Adele Ashby

Adele reported that they had been 30 bounce backs of the spring Musings.

  1. Communications Reports –

Vandra Masemann- mail

Bob Watson – email, phone

Dianne Chadwick – database

In Dianne’s absence, Vandra reported that the database was up to date but that the bounce backs would have to be investigated.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that our current bank balance will fall to under 1,000 when an outstanding cheque is cashed. He hopes that the situation with our funds being held by the OMF will soon be resolved.

  1. Sequester Project Report – Rod Tennyson

Rod reported that he meets with the Environment Club every Monday to work on the Sequester Project to demonstrate that carbon dioxide will encourage tree growth. He also presented the planning document for the upcoming ReLeaf Day, on 30 May from 10-4 p.m. Vandra noted that the email blast would be dispatched after 15 May to inform people about the event. David suggested that Rod write a story about the project for the next issue of the Beach Metro News.

  1. Updating of our website and ways to support Malvern.

David reported that he had moved the donations choice to the front page where it can more easily be found. He also noted that between our Facebook page and our Facebook group page, most of the traffic is directed to the group. He also suggested that a Twitter account be set up for the ReLeaf Day.

Rod suggested that serious consideration be given to devoting a page of each issue of the Musings for the display of business cards of Malvernites as per a suggestion made by Diane at our last meeting. There was general agreement to go ahead with the idea.

  1. Malvern Cenotaph update

Vandra noted that she had written to Greg McKinnon, the TDSB archivist, about the Cenotaph. He responded to her questions by reporting that while the TDSB own it, that any activity on its behalf by the MRBS is purely voluntary, and that war memorials and the like do not have budget line. As a result, getting funds to support them is very difficult.

  1. Any Other Business

David noted that the Beach Metro News had got in touch with him to follow up on the Big Book project. He reported that the expected funds did not materialize and that we were on to next steps. Rod suggested that as a fund raiser, we consider organizing a Malvern Military Tattoo with the Big Book on display so that participants can see what it is that we are trying to get restored. The tattoo could be in conjunction with Remembrance Day.

Vandra asked if continuing to meet on Tuesdays worked for most people and suggested that the AGM be held on Saturday 7 November.

  1. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Vandra.

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