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Meeting Minutes 10 July 13

Malvern Red & Black  Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., Wednesday 10 July 2013

Masemann residence

Present:  A. Ashby (Chair), D. Halliday, I. Hubel, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Munro,  S. Nathwani, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Burk, T. Daciuk, D. Fuller


1. Minutes of June meeting

Acceptance of the Minutes of the June meeting with minor adjustment moved by Volker, seconded by Bob.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising from the Minutes.


3. Announcements

Vandra announced the following:

  • There was no word to date about the new Malvern principal.
  • A book launch was being held for M. Jane Fairburn’s book, Along the shore tonight, which has Malvern content.
  • There are 7 surplus reunion bags, as several couples only wanted 1 instead of 2. There are under 30 books remaining. They will be offered for sale this summer and fall.


4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that she had written cover letters to include with the thank-you cheques going to Malvern for music and sports and to the OMF for the purchase of an auditorium seat.


5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported the following:

  • that she had been working on our financial reports with Bob
  • that she had contact the 44 people who had registered for the reunion but had not attended and offered them their reunion packages. Most of the 44 non-attendees at the Reunion have been contacted, and their Registration Kits have been mailed or delivered to them. 
  • that she had heard that Norman Jewison was planning to attend an event at Community 55, which was holding a special day for him.  He is known to Gene Domagala, and Adele agreed to get in touch with Gene to see if Norman Jewison would come to his alma mater, Malvern, to visit the drama department and perhaps deliver the Commencement address.


6. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Snail mail – Sonya Munro

Sonya reported that there had been very little mail:  a donation and payment for the copying of a Muse.  She had also picked up an anonymous bag of new clippings for the archives.



(b) Phone and email – Bob Watson

Bob reported only one information-only phone call.  There have been no 40s or 60s emails, and 16 Red & Black ones, half on the reunion package, 4 from Linked-in, which were probably scams, 2 requests for Muses, and 1 web mail address change.


(c) Database – Donna Halliday

Donna reported that she had been checking union registration forms to update our database, which now contains 2667 email addresses and 801 snail mail. She continues to try to trace spring Musings bouncebacks and has printed the envelopes for the fall issue.


7. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that we have $2,819.39 in the MRBS account and $6.430.10 in the reunion one.  He noted that 6 cheques are missing from the chequebook and will get in touch with the previous treasurers to try to track them down.


8. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani

Shanta reported the following:

  • that there was no new traffic on our Twitter account and that our Linked-in one needs an administrator. 
  • that our hosting and domain fees have been paid for the coming year beginning 15 July.  She will have to be replaced as the administrator of both. 
  • that our Facebook groups will need to be migrated to our Facebook page as they are being phased out.  She will begin the process.  We currently have 275 members on Facebook. 
  • that there is new software for WordPress that will provide help and recommended purchasing a one-year licence. It was agreed to wait and see how it worked before deciding on any purchase.


9. Other business

It was decided that the fall Musings should be ready for the October executive meeting.  The OMF wants to include its annual appeal and the “legacy” letter with it. Vandra is working with Jackie Martin to have the souvenirs order form ready to be included.  Rod will write an article on the reunion, and the AGM documents will also appear. 

We also need to recruit some 70s and 80s people for the executive.

Volker, our garden liaison, reported that the gardens are thriving and include garlic, which will be sold by the students as a fund raiser.  We have $22.61 left on our nursery credit.


10. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Volker, seconded by Irene.  Passed.



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