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Meeting Minutes 10 April 13

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 10 April 2013

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.


Present:  A. Ashby (Chair),  D. Fuller, D. Halliday, I. Hubel, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Munro, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: T. Daciuk, S. Nathwani, S. Burk


1. Minutes of March meeting

Acceptance of the Minutes of the March Meeting moved by Bob, seconded by Adele.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes      

All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.


3. Announcements

Vandra noted that the OMF has been offered the donation of an old Malvern desk and chair.  Volker expressed willingness to arrangement for its delivery to the archives.


4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that what she had to say would be dealt with later in the meeting when the reunion was discussed.


5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported that she had followed up inquiring about the cost of an elevator to be installed in the elevator shaft. The estimate of $200 – 250,000 was prohibitive. She also noted that she had heard from the OMF that a desk and chair had been donated to the MRBS which was reputed to have been given to Principal J. Leslie Kerr on his retirement. It was decided that it be brought to Malvern and be displayed at Registration if possible.


6.  Group ticket update – Sandra Burk

In the absence of Sandra Burk, there was no report.


7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Snail mail – Sonya 

Sonya reported that she continued to convey paper reunion registration forms.

(b) Phone and email – Bob

Bob reported 5 phone calls, all relating to the reunion.  The 60s webmail had received 42 emails, 32 of which were about the reunion, 11 about pub nights.  The Red & Black webmail had received 4 online registrations and 6 address changes.

(c) Database – Donna

Donna reported that the master list included 2,670 names, the email list, 1,654, and the snail mail list, 812.


8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that the MTBS account has $2,359.66 with no outstanding cheques [some monor expenses around $20.00, Ed. Note] and one outstanding deposit ($645 from the OMF).  The reunion account totaled $5,458.95 with $1,900 held back by Eventbrite.


9. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani

In Shanta’s absence, Vandra reported that Shanta planned to do photos of the reunion and social networking.


10. Other business

Volker was voted as the M.R.B.S gardening liaison with the school. He reported that the dead weeping pine in the flower beds would be replaced as we have a credit note for it.  He has 4 new trellises to install and hoses to affix underground in both gardens.  He will also buy supplies for the work that needs to be done on the garden. The money will come from the Eco-Science fund at the school.


11. Motion to adjourn

Vandra moved a motion to adjourn, Adele seconded.


Reunion meeting


1. Reunion planning

  • Vandra reported that she and Paula, who will act as MC at the reunion opening ceremonies, had liaised with the invited guests.  All of those invited had accepted. 
  • Line is arranging for some cleaning, maintenance, and upgrading of the premises.
  • Vandra and Irene had a meeting with Claudine about the student volunteers, whom they will meet next Wednesday.  They have been instructed to work out how many will be needed and where and to make suggestions for signage and people flow.  Between 50-73 students are expected to report, and they must draw up a plan and set up a dress code.
  • Vandra noted that T-shirts will be printed for those on the registration desk.  When shifts are over, they will be handed to the replacements.  The bags with the screening are priced at $5 each, and the pens at $.52.  The cost of printing the books was quoted at $7,000 for 500.  That price was considered to be too high, and David undertook to see if he could better it.  Vandra suggested selling it for $15 after the reunion.
  • There will be no other souvenirs at the reunion.  It was agreed that we organize something for the fall when we send out the order form for the rugby shirts.
  • Vandra has spoken to Mike Izzo about the programme for the War Memorial at the reunion, and he is having students organize a half-hour of poetry reading and history.
  • Vandra also spoke to Erik Lehrer, who is in charge of the stage crew, and he assured her that the set-up for the auditorium would be finished on Friday, so that the Alumni Band can start as soon as possible on Saturday morning.
  • The issue of the pub nights was raised.  Some decades are having them; some are not.  It is possible that nearer to the actual date of the reunion, the Balmy Beach Club, where the 70s are meeting, could accommodate a few more.  Bob’s for the 60s, which will take place at the Filling Station Sports Bar at Queen and Silver Birch, has very little extra room.  He is starting at 5 p.m. Rod may organize something for the 50s at a site to be determined.
  • Donna noted that she needs more name tag holders for the volunteers, the band, the guests, and so on.  She will be using coloured dots to differentiate registrants, volunteers, band members, honoured guests and Parking Pass people.  On the day of, some people will have to create their own.  We will provide the wherewithal. Donna will have printed out the Registration List in alphabetical order for reference at Registration and Lunch.
  • Rod noted that there will be donation boxes at the Registration desks
  • There will be a student art display in the cafeteria.
  • A follow-up request will go to the Phys. Ed. Department about the sports display.  We have heard nothing to date.
  • We have also heard nothing from Greg McKinnon about the display boards.  Vandra will follow up.
  • We will prepare Reunion Information Cards for the student volunteers for quick reference.  They will be laminated.
  • Tim Daciuk is sending out another email message next week. It is to contain the details of the three Pub Nights and the dance on Saturday afternoon.
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