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Meeting Minutes 1 May 13

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

7:00 p.m., 1 May 2013

Archives Room, Malvern C.I.


Present:  A. Ashby (Chair), S. Burk, D. Fuller, D. Halliday, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: T. Daciuk, I. Hubel, S. Munro, S. Nathwani


1. Minutes of April meeting

Adele moved the acceptance of the amended Minutes, seconded by Volker.  Accepted.


2. Matters arising from the Minutes

All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.


3. Announcements

Vandra announced that she and Volker had arranged for the pick-up of the antique desk and chair.  The suggestion was made that it be placed on the stage for the Reunion Opening Ceremonies.


4. President’s Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that everything she had to report concerned the Reunion and would be given later in the meeting.


5. Vice-President’s Report –Vandra Masemann

Vandra reported the OMF was planning to have a dinner on 16 May to honour Principal Line Pinard’s retirement.  It plans to purchase an auditorium seat with her name and Malvern dates on it and give her a gift certificate.  Her official retirement event will be held at the end of May at which Vandra will speak.

Vandra also noted that the doors and the stairway hand rails had been repainted red. A maintenanc crew has also cleaned the school.


6.  Group ticket update – Sandra Burk

Sandra reported that she had not been able to make any new arrangements.


7. Communications Reports – Sonya Munro, Bob Watson, Donna Halliday

(a) Snail mail—Sonya Munro

Vandra reported for Sonya that we had had an upsurge in registration mail and some very useful donations.

(b) Phone and email—Bob Watson

Bob reported that the hotline had had 9 calls, 5 regarding parking passes and 4 general Reunion inquiries.  The 40s email had 1 Reunion inquiry; the 60s, 11, 10 on the pub night and 1 general Reunion; the Red and Black, 22, 8 general Reunion, 6 MRBS web registrations, 3 media inquiries, and 2 MRBS registrations.

(c) Database—Donna Halliday

The database currently has 2,669 entries, 1663 email and 805 snail mail.



8. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob reported that the MRBS bank account has $2,076.56 and the Reunion, $7,856.52.


9. Technical Director’s Report – Shanta Nathwani

In Shanta’s absence, there was no report.


10. Other business

Several people noted that the article on the Reunion that appeared in the Beach Metro News had some errors in it.  Adele will request a correction.  Vandra has requested that Shanta post the Reunion Attendees` List on the website. It consists of all registrants who have agreed to have their name posted.


11. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.


Reunion meeting


1. Reunion planning

The following was discussed:

1. Adele noted that Barbara Myrvold is now giving the history talk on Sunday at 3 p.m.  Sonya will phone everyone registered for it about the change of venue.[Tim has agreed to email them all instead].

2. The document required by Evenbrite for the United States IRS has been submitted.

3. The committee got an opportunity to view and admire the 82-page Reunion book.  Thanks were expressed to Vandra, Donna, and David for all their hard work on it.

4. Vandra laid out the plans for the registration process. 

5. Rod had created 3 donation boxes and has asked Bob to monitor them during the Reunion.  Vandra will arrange for two cash floats for those who register on Saturday and wish to pay cash.  She will ask the Home and School if they have cash boxes.

6. Vandra, Irene and Volker have created lists of volunteers and tasks.  Parents and children will be at the registration desks, with the adults helping with registrations and the children fetching swag.  The alum volunteers will monitor the decade rooms.  The peer student leaders will deal with parking, directions, traffic flow and assisting where needed.  There is only one volunteer  for the 80s and beyond room.

7. Volker showed the maps that will be posted around the school.

8. Set-up can begin after 3:15 p.m. on Friday 10 May.  Volker will have student help to post signs, maps, and so on.

9. Principal Line Pinard will be asked to send out an official notice about the Reunion including the fact that the Memorial Event is open to the general public.  Students are going to place Reunion posters in local businesses and flyers at houses on all four surrounding streets.

10.  The south gym will be the location for both the sports display and the Senior Dance Band, which will play from 1-3 p.m. on Saturday.  There are only 2 rows of bleachers, so Rod is going to set up chairs and tables.

11. The students will decorate the gym and the school exterior.

12. We will have at least 3 cheerleaders for the Opening Ceremonies.

13. The school will be open to visitors on Sunday starting at 9:30 a.m., and the library will be available for socializing until 1 p.m., when the library displays will be taken down.  The Memorial Ceremony will take place from 10-10:30 a.m. 

14. On Saturday, take down of the decade rooms can begin.  It is hoped that they will be cleared out by 5 p.m., with the contents stored in the basement storage room in time for the first History Walk.

15. Vandra has ordered the plaques that will be presented at the Opening Ceremonies.

16. It was decided that if a registrant has forgotten her/his tickets, we will check the list and tick off the events that have been selected.  No ticket will be issued for lunch but a coloured ticket can be presented to the caterers.

17.  Three people have registered twice.  Bob will investigate.

Motion to adjourn

Moved by Adele, seconded by Rod.


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