MRBS Meeting Minutes Oct. 6, 2015
Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
7:00 p.m., 6 October 2015
Archives Room, Malvern C.I.
Present: Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, D. Chadwick, Volker Masemann, R. Tennyson, R. Watson
Regrets: S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Fuller, S. Munro
- Minutes of 15 September meeting
Adele moved and Volker seconded the acceptance of the September minutes. Accepted.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
As a result of the fact that the original date chosen for the annual Christmas dinner and meeting was not convenient for several members, it was changed to 6 p.m., 16 December. Rod will send out a reminder with directions
- Announcements
Vandra reminded everyone about the Red and Black spirit day on 9 October at Birchmount Park and the AGM at 1 p.m. on Saturday 7 November in room 110 at Malvern. Everyone is invited to both events. She also reported that the 70s and 80s alumni/ae groups had held a reunion in September.
- President’s Report – Vandra Masemann – Planning for the AGM, 7 November.
Vandra requested that those present to submit their annual reports to Adele as soon as possible so that the package can be made up.
- Vice-President’s Report and Musings – Adele Ashby
Adele noted that she had started to work on the AGM reports now that the Musings, hard copy and electronic, had been sent out.
- Communications Reports –
Mail — Vandra Masemann
Vandra reported that 10 newsletters had been returned and one death notice, for Wayne Jasper (October 10, 2015) had been received.
Email, phone– Bob Watson
Bob reported no phone calls or emails to the 40s and 60s accounts. The Red & Black account had received 3: 2 about class rings and 1 about an email address change. There was also an inquiry about Malvern clothing.
Database– Dianne Chadwick
Dianne reported that we have the following in our database: 761 email addresses and 545 mail, including 16 for the United States and 4 for other destinations. A discussion ensued about the most efficient method to add names of newly registered alumni/ae who had agreed to have their names posted on our website.
Website, Facebook– David Fuller
In David’s absence, Vandra reported that our website and MRBS pages have been updated. The Members’ Lists need to be updated on the website for 2014 and 2015.
- Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
Bob reported that our bank account is balanced and that we had sufficient funds to last to the end of our financial year.
Bob made a motion to ask the OMF to cover the following expenses incurred from January to May 2015, $250 for archival supplies and ¼ of the cost of stamps for mailing out the newsletter, which included the annual OMF funding request. Moved by Bob, seconded by Adele. Passed.
- Ways to support Malvern – ads in Musings, report on reader feedback, continuing discussion and planning
Vandra reported that the proposal to reserve a page in our newsletter for Malvern to Malvern commercial notices was expected to happen in the spring issue. She and Dianne will draw up a set of instructions. Dianne suggested that ads be put in the Balmy Beach magazine.
- Upcoming events – Commencement, Remembrance Day
Vandra noted that she would attend Commencement at which MRBS student awards were presented and also Remembrance Day ceremonies along with David Fuller. As usual, the MRBS will lend the Home and School the decades posters for the Commencement reception.
- Any Other Business
There was no other business.
- Motion to adjourn
Moved by Adele, seconded by Bob.