Minutes of Executive Meeting — December 14, 2021
Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
Minutes of Meeting – Tuesday, December 14, 2021
7:00 P.M. Virtual Via Zoom
Present: Randy Deffett (Chair), Ila Vaculik, Bob Watson, David Fuller, Vandra Masemann
Regrets: Sandra Burk, Dianne Renwick, Rod Tennyson, Paul Warner, Ken Scullion, Tim Daciuk, Donna Halliday, Lois Maxwell, Volker Masemann
Order of Business:
1. Call to Order – at 7:15 pm
2. Approval of October 12, 2021 meeting Minutes (motion to approve: Randy, seconded by Bob- carried).
a. November AGM Minutes can be acted upon now, but approved at 2022 AGM
TO DO (Randy): Review & distribute 2021 AGM Minutes.
3. Matters arising from October Minutes
Project Updates- covered in agenda.
TO DO (Randy) forward website updates to Paul Warner to post
TO DO (Randy) Contact Shanta Nathwani to change from her as MRBS website administrator to David Fuller.
4. Announcements- Randy
MRBS has agreed to let OMF to add their new website as a separate site on MRBS WordPress account to set up their website, as requested by OMF President, Ken Scullion. This will save OMF costs and not incur costs to MRBS, as Ken and David agree. Each website will remain separate.
5. President’s Report – Randy
a. What are our MRBS 2022 ‘To Do’ priorities? I hope to get the most work completed this coming year, based on each person’s individual energy levels, project times needed and each person’s availability during the year. We have discussed individual projects. I am looking at how they interlink so we focus on an agreed set of priorities.
TO DO (everybody please) By our January meeting share with Randy your 2022 MRBS priorities.
TO DO (Randy): I will draft my thoughts on our 2022 priorities and share before our next meeting- for discussion in January’s meeting.
b. New Projects:
1. Proposal: ‘Illustrious Malvernites’ (suggested at AGM).
Discussed what a project might look like.
i. Vandra: MCI Principal, Sandy Kaskens, wants to do a lot more to remind present-day Malvernites of our history.
ii. Archives Committee has worked on ‘illustrious Malvernites’ for nearly 20 years and can be a vital resource to the school.
iii. David: King & Country List of those killed in WWI & WWII should be posted in the school- where is it?
iv. Project could be an annual dedication event to honour past Malvernites; honourees elected & MRBS members could be involved. As Ken suggested at AGM, it would be a great way to involve the MRBS in the life of MCI.
v. Vandra & David: We should have Sandy & TDSB take the lead with this.
TO DO (Sandy Kaskens): When conditions are safe, the Principal has invited Vandra to MCI to discuss idea. Randy asked to attend.
TO DO (Randy): Write thoughts on this project concept and share with all, for further discussion.
2. ‘In Memoriam’ website page – We approved in summer of 2021. The key is the updating our database from a review of obituaries collected.
6. Communications Reports
a. Postal Mail (Vandra) Picked up 3 cheques ($325) at MCI & 1 letter.
b. Email (Bob) – 34 received: forwarded to MRBS Officers or handled:
i. 20 Malvern Wear
ii. 7 members or changes for existing members
iii. 3 companies trying to sell services to us
iv. 2 family of former principal, Lorne Clark
v. 2 about MCI students who went to war
c. Database- (Vandra)- Donna & Dianne working out a few mismatches in entries between them.
d. Website (David)- updates to be sent to Paul Warner for posting.
e. Facebook (Vandra) – We are busier than ever. People are excited, sharing photos of themselves wearing their new Malvern Wear.
7. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
a. Bank balance= $8,551.06: book balance= $8,451.06; $100 cheque uncashed is now over 6 months old.
TO DO (Vandra): follow up with MCI Principal re: uncashed cheque.
b. Change of Signing Officers
TO DO (Bob, Sandra, Randy, Vandra): Bob will arrange bank appointment for us to sign on new and sign off prior signing officers, January 2022.
TO DO (Vandra & Randy)- email MRBS letterhead to Randy. Randy will write letter for bank to explain change of signing officers.
8. Archives- Vandra
Donna and Irene work is ongoing. Irene is reviewing Beach Metro News. We are still not allowed into MCI.
TO DO (Randy)- Read up on Sandy Kasken’s work on MCI website. Introduce myself by email at sandy.kaskens@tdsb.on.ca.
9. Projects
a. Malvern Wear (David & Vandra)- All merchandise has been delivered except for a few baseball caps. We need to plan how to replenish stock, what new items might we sell on an ongoing basis. Bob and David will prepare final revenue/profit report for Board- waiting for final invoices to be received from our supplier, Jacquie Martin.
Conclusion: We had great success with Malvern Wear, which merits it as an ongoing project. We will improve the business as we go along.
b. Website (David)- First priority is to complete Needs Study.
c. Cenotaph (David)- Fund-raising applications and work organization is started. It is not feasible that project could be completed by 100th anniversary date, considering new security features being included.
d. Code & Charter (Randy)- explained amendments (attached at end) to be voted on at January meeting.
10. Motion to adjourn by Randy 8:30pm. Carried.
11. Next Meeting – Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom (David to arrange)
Charter and Code of Conduct Amendments Proposed (December 14, 2021)
1. Charter Page 2 (5B Administrative Goals): remove the word ‘edit’ so item #4 reads, “We reserve the right to control, edit, reject, or delete any material posted…”.
2. Charter Page 17 (Annual Election Procedures) 2nd paragraph amend sentence to read: “As the budget allows, mass email to the Membership-At-Large and/or post on the MRBS website or other social media sites, by September 1st October 15th each year to announce a Call for Nominations and will include the names of Malvernites who have already agreed to stand.
3. Code of Conduct (Item #1 Approval) remove the word ‘edit’ so 2nd last sentence will read, “We reserve the right to remove and/or edit content.”