Meeting Minutes 8 July 14
Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
8:00 p.m., 8 July 2014
Masemann Residence
Present: Vandra Masemann (Chair) A. Ashby, D. Halliday, I. Hubel, R. Tennyson, R. Watson, Volker Masemann
Regrets: S. Burk, D. Chadwick, D. Fuller, S. Munro
- Minutes of 4 June meeting
Acceptance of the Minutes of the 4 June meeting moved by Bob, seconded by Rod. Accepted.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
All matters arising from the Minutes were dealt with later in the meeting.
- Announcements
Vandra noted that Malvern would be closed as of Friday 11 July and would re-open two weeks before Labour Day on August 18.
Volker noted that Malvern neighbor Fran Perkins would water the gardens when she got back from her holidays, and if there was a prolonged drought, he would do so in the meanwhile.
- President’s Report – Vandra Masemann
Vandra noted that in response to requests from the alumni/ae, we are in the process of scanning Muses to post on the Internet. Since the 50s, 60s, and 70s decades received the most requests, the team is starting with them and will include what has been considered the best ever, the 1946 edition.
The TDSB has dictated that the school must get explicit consent under the new anti-spam legislation to send out requests that involve money, including any from the MRBS and parent mailing lists. We will send out a request to everyone on our list to create a new one made up of only those who have explicitly agreed. Since only 48% of those members of MTBS actually open the email copy of the Musings, we need first of all to get respondents’ attention. It was decided to use the following as the subject line: Urgent! MRBS needs your consent. Those who do not respond will automatically lose their membership by the time of the next emailing in September. The mailing will include the required consent for the OMF, which will be asked to share costs. Moved by Vandra, seconded by Volker that the OMF be offered the shared mailing cost possibility. Carried.
- Vice President’s and Musings Report – Adele Ashby
Adele noted that the fall 2014 Musings is in process. It will be sent out in early September. She also asked for clarification on the intended audience of the Reunion Handbook which she is preparing. After some discussion, it was decided that the handbook would be for our records for reference by future reunion organizers.
- Communications Reports
(a) Snail mail–Sonya Munro
In Sonya’s absence, Vandra reported that there had been no snail mail since our last meeting.
(b) Phone & email–Bob Watson
Bob reported that there had been no phone calls and no ’40s and ’60s emails. The Red & Black had received 2 regarding the Muse scanning.
(c) Database–Dianne Chadwick
In Dianne’s absence, Vandra noted that Dianne continues to work on the database.
- Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
Bob reported that the bank balance was $4,308.95, with one cheque outstanding.
- Sequester Project Report and Malvern Yard Sale August 23 – Rod Tennyson
Rod reported that we needed to spend $30 for our spot at the yard sale and $10 to rent a table. Permission to do so was given. We intend to promote the MRBS and will create a one page handout on who we are and what we do. Rod will arrange for a sign. We will sell trees to promote the Sequester Project. Rod asked for and was given permission to spend $200 to purchase them. He will provide information on how to plant and care for them. Volker will create the pages. We will need a truck to transport them. Vandra will send out a request for a truck via Facebook.
- Book Restoration Project –Vandra Masemann
Vandra noted that we should be getting an estimate on costs by the middle of July.
- Dates of 2014-2015 MRBS meetings
Executive meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of each month (except for September when it will be on the 9th) and AGM on Saturday 8 November 2014 at 1:00 p.m. at Malvern Room 110
Archives Days are on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
- Any other business
There was no other business.
- Motion to adjourn
Moved by Volker, seconded by Adele.