Meeting Minutes – 7 Oct 2014
Malvern Red & Black Society
Executive Committee
7:00 p.m., 7 October 2014
Archives Room, Malvern C.I.
Present: A. Ashby (Chair), S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Fuller, R. Tennyson,
Regrets: D. Chadwick, Vandra Masemann, Volker Masemann, S. Munro, R. Watson
- Minutes of September meeting
Acceptance of the minutes of the September meeting was moved by Adele, seconded by David. Accepted.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
At our September meeting, a number of questions arose out the discussion of the vandalism of our War Memorial. Adele contacted both Vandra and the principal, and Vandra responded. Three suggestions to prevent a recurrence were put forward. Is the Memorial covered by TDSB insurance? It is not. [The TDSB insurance has a $100,000 deductible clause.] Can it be moved inside? The cost is prohibitive, and it still could be damaged. Could it be alarmed? Vandra thought this suggestion was worth pursuing. A further suggestion was made that if the Memorial were touched, a recording transmit a message of deterrence.
- Announcements
There were no announcements.
- Vice President’s and Musings Report – Adele Ashby
Adele noted that the Musings had been sent out and that a number of hitches had occurred that needed to be sorted out before the spring mailing.
Adele also reminded everyone to submit their contributions to the AGM reports as soon as possible.
- Communications Reports
Snail mail –Sonya Munro
In Sonya’s absence, there was no report. [Donna is picking up the mail until November.]
Phone and email – Bob Watson
Bob reported that there had been 2 phone calls, no 40s and 60s emails, and 15 Red & Black emails, 8new members, 2 express consent, 1 climate change, 1 Canadarm, 1 rugby shirt, 1 archives volunteer, and 1 member unsubscriber.
Database – Dianne Chadwick
In Dianne’s absence, there was no report.
- Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson
Bob reported a bank balance of $2,559.96, with nothing outstanding. Our available operating expense is $359.96 and a cashable GIC of $1,008.
- OMF– Rod Tennyson
Rod reported on the OMF meeting that he attended. He circulated a copy of the OMF’s funding request letter, which is aimed at parents. He noted that the OMF treasurer had resigned and that Lorie McCauley, the President, would serve until a replacement could be found.
- Book Restoration Project and Motion to fund first project – David Fuller
David noted that the cost estimate of restoring the Big Book is about $14,500. He contacted the Canadian Conservation Institute in Ottawa and received a very positive response to his inquiry about possible financial support. Our project meets their criteria and they will welcome a proposal by 15 October, to be considered for their 2015-16 schedule. If it is accepted, they will take on the restoration, using graduate conservation students under supervision. The conservator who had been interested in the project will have to be informed. She will proceed with the McCarthy-Bennett book. David was thanked and congratulated on his Big Book coup.
- Any Other Business
Vandra had asked that those present try to come up with ideas to promote the vintage sportswear. David is preparing an ad to go into the Beach Metro News. Evan will prepare and post a poster in the Balmy Beach Canoe Club. Rod suggested that we offer a free Malvern t-shirt to anyone donating $50 to the MRBS.
The issue of stating our bank account balance in the Musings was discussed. There was agreement that perhaps it should not go into the newsletter. The impression created could be that we are well funded when, in fact, we are not. Transparency would not be affected as the information can be found on the website in the AGM documents and the meeting minutes.
Evan noted the recent deaths of two Malvernites, Keith Caldwell and Ross Creber. Their names must be removed from the mailing list. Keith had offered to donate his Malvern sports awards to the archives. A thank-you letter will be sent when they are received.
- Motion to adjourn
Moved by Adele, seconded by Sandra.
MRBS Meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month from now on.
Archives Days are on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.