Malvern CI 110 Anniversary Reunion – 1950s Decade
As many of you readers know, we held the Malvern C.I. 110th Anniversary Reunion at the school over the two day period May 11-12, 2013. Saturday was a cool day but many of you enjoyed the refreshment tent box lunches and beverages outside conversing with former classmates. About 250 alumni/ae from the 50s decade registered for the reunion and over 70 showed up for the Saturday evening dinner and pub night held at the Beacher;s Café on Queen St.
For those of you who were not able to attend, we were treated to a wonderful Opening Ceremony featuring the all-girls student a capella choir and several of the school cheerleaders leading us in the favourite Onward Malvern school song, accompanied by an all-alumni/ae band who stayed and played period music from times past. Of course we had a selection of speakers who addressed the alumni/ae, including TDSB administrators, members of the MRBS who organized this reunion, and the school principal, Line Pinard, who retired this past June. The large gym featured the school senior dance band and student vocalists who entertained us in the afternoon. There was a large number of displays set up in a classroom just for the 50s alumni to revisit memories of that famous decade and marvel at how young we all looked in photos extracted from the 50s decade Muses, most of which were compiled by your decade co-coordinator on a “Poster Saturday” in April to get our room displays ready for the reunion. You will all be delighted to know that your registration fees covered all of our reunion expenses and provided funds that we have donated to the school on your behalf for the music and sports programs.
This is our 50s decade section of the MRBS web site and I think we need to celebrate those memories with a permanent record of what transpired in our school days at Malvern. This is our decade, and it was the best of times. I have also included some photos from the Muses depicting the various activities many of us enjoyed (I am sorry for missing some. Please let me know if you want more included). Much more was on display in the decade room during the reunion.
We are the half-century crowd, and we do look back with fond memories from those years. From the alumni/ae comments I received in May, we really should get together again as former classmates and friends and share our “life journeys” with each other, perhaps as a 50s decade reunion again. I am willing to work with colleagues to set another “gathering of the clan” for 2015, and if any of you wish to help in this endeavour, please contact me ( How about May 2015 at the Balmy Beach Club?
With best wishes for the next year and more fun times ahead,
Rod Tennyson
1950s Decade Coordinator
Co-Chair, 110th Anniversary Reunion Committee.
Overview of Major Events in the 1950s Decade
- First Modern Credit Card Introduced
- First Organ Transplant
- First “Peanuts” Cartoon Strip
- Korean War Begins
- Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch Hunt
- U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb
- Color TV Introduced
- South Africans Forced to Carry ID Cards Identifying Race
- Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII
- Winston Churchill Again Prime Minister of Great Britain
- Car Seat Belts Introduced
- The Great Smog of 1952
- Jacques Cousteau Discovers Ancient Greek Ship
- Polio Vaccine Created
- Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen at Age 25
- DNA Discovered
- First Playboy Magazine
- Hillary and Norgay Climb Mt. Everest
- Joseph Stalin Dies
- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for Espionage
- Britain Sponsors an Expedition to Search for the Abominable Snowman
- First Atomic Submarine Launched
- Report Says Cigarettes Cause Cancer
- Roger Bannister Breaks the Four-Minute Mile
- Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S.
- Disneyland Opens
- Emmett Till Murdered
- James Dean Dies in Car Accident
- McDonald’s Corporation Founded
- Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus
- Warsaw Pact Signed
- Elvis Gyrates on Ed Sullivan’s Show
- Grace Kelly Marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco
- Hungarian Revolution
- Khrushchev Denounces Stalin
- Suez Crisis
- T.V. Remote Control Invented
- Velcro Introduced
- Dr. Seuss Publishes The Cat in the Hat
- European Economic Community Established
- Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age
- Laika Becomes the First Living Animal to Enter Orbit
- Boris Pasternak Refuses Nobel Prize
- Chinese Leader Mao Zedong Launches the “Great Leap Forward”
- Hope Diamond is Donated to the Smithsonian
- Hula Hoops Become Popular
- LEGO Toy Bricks First Introduced
- NASA Founded
- Peace Symbol Created
- Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba
- International Treaty Makes Antarctica Scientific Preserve
- Kitchen Debate Between Nixon and Khrushchev
- The Sound of Music Opens on Broadway
- U.S. Quiz Shows Found to be Fixed