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Malvern C.I.’s 110th Anniversary Reunion


 Toronto, ON, – Malvernites from the past eight decades will be gathering on 11 and 12 May 2013 to celebrate the school’s 110th anniversary and to honour our retiring Principal, Ms. Line Pinard. They will attend an Opening Ceremony at 10.30 a.m. with the renowned Malvern Band, including alumni band members. Current Malvern students will be volunteering to help with the large turnout expected. Former staff and students will greet one another in the Decade Rooms and at the various displays all day and dance to the band in the afternoon.  Visitors can see the archival collection of the school’s history in the Library. Mr. Gene Domagala, renowned Beach local historian, will lead historic tours of the Beach on Saturday and Sunday. Social events are being arranged for the Saturday night. On Sunday morning at 10.00 a.m., there will be a memorial event at the restored Malvern Cenotaph, and at 3.00 p.m. Barbara Myrvold will give a talk in the Beaches Library. An informal stroll along the Boardwalk and the historic tours will bring many Malvernites back to their old haunts. Please register at and catch updates on the Facebook group MRBS-Malvern Red and Black Society and Facebook Event page – Malvern C.I.’s 110th Anniversary and Reunion. To register by mail, find our registration form on the Event / Reunion page at

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