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Keith Sandy (Class of 1973)


Keith Sandy was born June 10, 1955 and passed away from leukemia on August 19, 1999.  He was a lifelong Beacher and attended Malvern Collegiate from 1969 – 1973.  An avid golfer, he played courses across Ontario, British Columbia, Florida and California – including Pebble Beach.  Restoring vintage cars with his Malvern buddy Tom Arnott was an early hobby. Keith had a passion for collectible automobiles and motorcycles with muscle and torque, including his Harley Davidson.  He was close to sons Chris, Iain and Keith; both Chris and Iain are Malvern alumni.  After Humber College, Keith worked at CBC for more than 20 years, most notably as an award winning editor for the flagship nightly news  programme, The National.

Keith predeceased his mother Joan Jones and step-father John Jones. Keith’s late father, also named Keith Sandy, was a popular Toronto CKEY radio announcer when the station was owned by media and sports magnate, Jack Kent Cooke, also a Malvern alumnus.  Keith is survived by his three sons, former wife and Malvern alumna Ann Sandy (nee McGirr), widow Pauline Sandy, and most recently, grand-daughter, Violet.