Israel Halperin and David Hayne
Malvernites who attended MCI in the 1920s will be saddened to learn that one of our most distinguished graduates of that decade has died. Professor Israel Halperin, C.M., Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S.C. (1911-2007) was an internationally known mathematician, author and activist who treasured the memory of his years at Malvern from 1923 to 1928. His brother William, who was killed in the Second World War, also attended Malvern.
We are also sad to announce the death in November 2008 of our 1930s coordinator, Professor David Hayne. A tribute to his life and work will be found in the Spring 2009 Musings. If anyone else from this era is interested in taking up his position, please let us know. It requires someone with email capabilities as we communicate mainly via the computer. Attending meetings is not a necessity.