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Meeting Minutes – 10 Dec 2014

Malvern Red & Black Society

Executive Committee

8:30 p.m., 10 December 2014

Harbour Club, York Quay, Toronto

Present: Vandra Masemann (Chair), A. Ashby, D. Chadwick, D. Halliday, I. Hubel, Volker Masemann, R. Tennyson, R. Watson

Regrets: S. Burk, E. Butchers, D. Fuller, S. Munro

Guests: L. McCauley

  1. Minutes of October meeting, draft Minutes of November AGM

Acceptance of the Minutes of the 7 October meeting moved by Adele, seconded by Rod. Accepted. Vandra requested that everyone cast an eye over the draft Minutes of the AGM to ensure their accuracy.

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising from the Minutes that would not be discussed elsewhere on the agenda.

  1. Announcements

There were no announcements that would not be discussed elsewhere on the agenda.

  1. President’s Report

There was nothing to report that would not be discussed elsewhere on the agenda.

  1. Vice President’s and Musings Report – Adele Ashby

Adele noted that the fall Musings had been sent out and some difficulties had arisen that would be resolved before the next mailing. Vandra reported that Joyce Timpson had agreed to write a piece for it on her life after Malvern and that Russ Little had agreed to permit us to publish his Commencement speech.

  1. Communications Reports

Snail mail — Vandra Masemann

Vandra noted that she would now be reporting on snail mail as Sonya is not well. We have received 20 orders for the Vintage Malvern Sportswear. Donations are down; since July we have received only 4.

Phone, email — Bob Watson

Bob reported that from 8 November to 8 December, we have received 2 calls, one about a Malvern T-shirt and a second with a request to borrow Muses. There have been no emails from the 40s or 60s. The Red & Black has received 6, 3 were registrations, 1 a repeat of the request to borrow Muses, 1 a World War II inquiry, and 1 a family member trace.

Database — Dianne Chadwick

Dianne raised the issue of the 1100 members who did not provide express consent for the MRBS to communicate with them. Vandra will get David to post a notice on our website reminding members of its necessity. Donna noted that it would be desirable if those who did respond were cross-referenced with the main database to preserve links to graduation and address information.

  1. The Onward Malvern Foundation Update – Lorie McCauley

Lorie is the new OMF President. She was welcomed to the meeting and expressed her desire that the OMF and the MRBS work closely together. She noted that having Vandra and Rod on the OMF would help in that regard, especially since she believes that the OMF needs to know the concerns of the Malvern’s alumnae/i. They are the biggest donors to the OMF. Vandra noted that Lorie was in a good position to keep the MRBS up to date on the present needs of the school.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Bob Watson

Bob noted that once our outstanding cheques were paid, we would be in a minus bank position based on present allocations. We may have to consider cashing in our GIC in the new year.

  1. War Memorial Committee- Vandra Masemann

Vandra noted that the War Memorial Committee has been reconstituted and will hold a meeting on 6 January to develop terms of reference and a work plan and to discuss security. Vandra will check the files concerning the TDSB plans for improving security in 2011.

  1. Book Restoration Project– David Fuller

In David’s absence, Vandra noted that we expected to hear from the Canadian Conservation Institute perhaps in December but more likely in January about our application. The decision about the McCarthy-Bennett book will lie in abeyance for the moment.

  1. Sequester Project Report – Rod Tennyson

Rod reported that the Malvern Sequester Project would begin on Monday 15 December when he will deliver trees and equipment for the students’ ecoscience project. Mark Steel’s class is very enthusiastic about the project.

Rod requested that the MRBS provide permission to go ahead with the project. He has already secured approval from the OMF.

Moved by Rod, seconded by Vandra, that the MRBS approve the Malvern Releaf Day project.

Passed unanimously.

Rod noted that the Releaf Day, which may have a change of name to Leaf Day, will also serve as a mini-reunion, as parents, alums, and members of the community will be invited to find out more about the project, to participate in the sale of trees, to get together with the Malvern community. There will be music, free admission, and free parking. A donation box will be available. These efforts will help Malvern’s designation as an ECO School within the TDSB.

  1. Any Other Business

The deaths of Stuart Passmore, long time Malvern teacher and alum William Bell Glenesk were noted. Bob has offered to provide a short piece on the latter for the Musings.

  1. Motion to adjourn

Moved by Vandra, seconded by Adele.


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