DECADES – 1980s

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Can you believe that is has been at least 15 years since the 80’s ended and 25 since it began?

Ahhh, the decade of decadence, crash and renewal:

All that New Wave music has become the New Retro and is on the verge of becoming Old Retro!

Come on, I bet you have shifted on the radio dial from The Edge – or CFNY – to CHUM FM and now to JACK FM.

Collars are up again and I have even seen legwarmers in some recent fashion pages.

People keep wishing to go Back to the Future and hoping a DeLorean will come back into production.

Wall Street, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, When Harry Met Sally and Pink Floyd’s The Wall all made an impression.

A war in Iraq, emergence of AIDS in Africa, the biggest rock benefit concerts of all time, corruption and scandal on the real Wall Street and in the highest political offices, and an oil crisis. (Hey, wait a minute…that sounds pretty familiar…)

The emergence of militant environmentalism, the tempering of feminism, the outing of gay and lesbianism, and the beginnings of grunge happened. And we partied like it was 1999 well before we actually partied in 1999.

What is old, is NOT new again – IT NEVER WENT AWAY…

So let’s begin a decade of quarter century reunions and reconnections.

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