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Our Decade Coordinators: Sonya Munro, 1940s

Sonya Munro, Decade Coordinator for the 1940s, dated Johnny Brine Johnston (MCI 1936-1941) and the two had plans for a future together until the war intervened. Johnny wound up in the RCAF flying bombers in South East Asia Command and was shot down over Moulmein, Burma with his crew.

1960’s Decade Coordinator, Bob Watson, joined the MRBS in 2007. His Uncle Bill left Malvern in June of 1940 and joined the RCAF in November of 1941. He was processed by Malvern Teachers, Mr. J.L. Kerr and Mr. M. Philp who had recently joined the force. He trained to be a pilot in Saskatchewan. He joined a convoy to cross the Atlantic in 1943 and his ship was torpedoed. He was one of a small group that survived. He went on to fly submarine patrols at night. He eventually returned home after the war but continued to associate with the RCAF for several years. When Bob Watson joined the MRBS, his Uncle Bill was with him that day and at a Remembrance Day service at Malvern. After the moving service, we went to a small room downstairs where my uncle was questioned by some students who were amazed by the events he was involved with in the war. He opened up about his experiences for the first time. Because of that, he agreed to participate in the creation of a booklet focusing on his air force career. He passed away recently at the age of 91 but the booklet will continue to exist in the future.

Have you got a story about your wartime memories while at Malvern? What were your hopes and dreams for work and education after the war?  What did you actually do after Malvern?  Please send in your story for our continuing project – ‘Malvernites after Malvern’.

The Malvern Archives is the place to store your memories. Your letters, photographs, newspaper clippings and albums will be safely preserved in our new archival quality files. Let us hear from you. Bob Watson and Sonya Munro are two of the volunteers that help in the ongoing work of the Malvern Red and Black Society. If you would like to participate with us, please email us at the address below.

Sonya Munro, 1940s Decade Coordinator

We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Please contact your decade coordinator at

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