This link will give you access to the pages for each decade of Malvern graduates and students. You may be able to find other Malvernites from your era (see also the Members' List in About Us).
A Glimpse Of The 1990’s
Columbine – Megacity – An Inconvenient Truth – Hong Kong reverts back to China from British rule – Austin Powers – Y2K –
DECADES – 1980s
We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Please contact your decade coordinator at Can you believe that is has been at least 15 years since the 80’s ended and 25 since it began? Ahhh, the decade of decadence, crash and renewal:
DECADES – 1960s
We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Please contact your decade coordinator at We have scheduled another joint 1950s/1960s reunion at the Balmy Beach Canoe Club for Saturday, May 14, 2011, from noon until six. Watch for more details in future on this page.
Memorial and its stories will be both be restored this summer
The names are listed in lead letters that are slowly falling away from the granite background. They belong to the 25 men of Malvern Collegiate Institute killed during the First World War and remembered on the cenotaph erected by a grateful Beach community in 1922. Now, after 89 years of weather damage and benign neglect, the monument will be restored this summer and rededicated at a ceremony on Nov. 4.
Memorial and its stories will be both be restored this summer
The names are listed in lead letters that are slowly falling away from the granite background. They belong to the 25 men of Malvern Collegiate Institute killed during the First World War and remembered on the cenotaph erected by a grateful Beach community in 1922.
MCI – The Best English Department in Toronto
Good afternoon, Esteemed Members of Malvern’s Red and Black Society: It is indeed my honour, and my pleasure, to have been invited to be your keynote speaker today. I also bring greetings from our principal, Line Pinard, who is unable to attend today. She wanted me to extend her good wishes to all of you, and her heart-felt gratitude for the remarkable ongoing support this strong and vibrant community of Malvern alumni continues to provide our school.