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2000s to Present

We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Meanwhile, our 1940s Decade Coordinator, Darija Nelson, will be pleased to hear from you at  

  • Scholarship fund established in name of Reese Fallon

    Malvern graduate Reese Fallon (Class of 2018) was one of two victims of the shooting on the Danforth on July 22, 2018. A scholarship is being established in Fallon’s memory through Go Fund Me. The goal is $50,000 and has already reached $38K+ as of today. Click here to support Reese Fallon Legacy Scholarship organized by Julie Steel

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  • Berkeley Wilson

    Malvern student travels to France to honour alumnus killed at Vimy Ridge

    By Berkeley Wilson What an amazing experience it was; travelling from the Beaches area of Toronto over to Vimy, France to take part in one of the most significant centennial commemorations in Canadian history. My name is Berkeley and I’m a Grade 12 student from Malvern Collegiate Institute, a school with a fittingly rich military legacy.

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  • Did you serve in the Canadian Forces, post-1945?

    The MRBS is compiling a list of grads who served with the Canadian Forces after 1945. If you or someone you know joined the army, navy or air force at any time since then, we want to hear from you. We are also looking for Korean War veterans, peacekeepers, and veterans of later conflicts in Europe and the Middle East. If you can help locate these Malvern grads, please contact David Fuller.

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  • 1990s and Beyond Decade Room – 110th Reunion

    Calling all ’90s and beyond! I’m coming up with the media for the decade room next week and could really use your help. I might just go scouring around Facebook to find some of your photos and borrow them, but I’d really rather you tell me what you’d like to see.

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  • Attendee List for the 110th Reunion (1990’s and Beyond, etc.)

    Who’s coming to class and who’s going to end up on the skip sheet? Here’s the list of people by decade that are currently registered. Ready to get to school? Register HERE. Less than two weeks to go!

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  • Decade Pub Nights

    Decade Pub Nights 11 May 2013 We need volunteers to help put together pub nights for the upcoming reunion.  If you wish to help out, please contact your decade coordinator.

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