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We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Meanwhile, our 1950s Decade Coordinator, Rod C. Tennyson, will be pleased to hear from you at  

  • ’50s alum Brian Tennyson, WW1 historian

    Brian Tennyson, professor emeritus at Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, was recently in Ontario visiting his brother Rod and the two Malvern alums joined David Fuller for a chat about Brian’s work as a historian with an interest in the First World War. [Video]

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  • J. Leslie Kerr

    Principal of Malvern, 1952-1965  A strict task master and highly regarded teacher at Malvern for over 30 years; and a volunteer for his nation during the last war.

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  • Did you serve in the Canadian Forces, post-1945?

    The MRBS is compiling a list of grads who served with the Canadian Forces after 1945. If you or someone you know joined the army, navy or air force at any time since then, we want to hear from you. We are also looking for Korean War veterans, peacekeepers, and veterans of later conflicts in Europe and the Middle East. If you can help locate these Malvern grads, please contact David Fuller.

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  • Malvern CI 110 Anniversary Reunion – 1950s Decade

    As many of you readers know, we held the Malvern C.I. 110th Anniversary Reunion at the school over the two day period May 11-12, 2013. Saturday was a cool day but many of you enjoyed the refreshment tent box lunches and beverages outside conversing with former classmates. About 250 alumni/ae from the 50s decade registered for the reunion  and over 70 showed up for the Saturday evening dinner and pub night held at the Beacher;s Café on Queen St.

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  • Attendee List for the 110th Reunion (1950’s)

    Who’s coming to class and who’s going to end up on the skip sheet? Here’s the list of people by decade that are currently registered. Ready to get to school? Register HERE. Less than two weeks to go!

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  • Decade Pub Nights

    Decade Pub Nights 11 May 2013 We need volunteers to help put together pub nights for the upcoming reunion.  If you wish to help out, please contact your decade coordinator.

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  • 1950s Decade

    As the Decade Co-ordinator for the “half-century” alumni/ae of Malvern, I am delighted to announce we are holding a 110th Malvern C.I. anniversary celebration Saturday May 11, and Sunday May 12, 2013, at the school. All decades are invited, and more details can be found in the Spring 2013 Musings.

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  • Those were the days – 1954 Muse

    Check out the 1954 Muse.  Does it bring back fond memories?  Check out the pages every few days as I add more.  Then register for Malvern’s 110 so you can reminisce with your fellow grads from the 50s.  Enjoy!

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