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We welcome your comments, questions and volunteer assistance. Meanwhile, our 1940s Decade Coordinator, Robert Watson, will be pleased to hear from you at  

  • Sonya Munro

    Donate to the MRBS in memory of Sonya Munro

    As many of you have heard, beloved MRBS member Sonya Munro died on May 23 at age 93. We have recently received donations to the MRBS in memory of Sonya and would welcome any similar gifts to recognize her long service to alumni and the school.

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  • Our Decade Coordinators: Sonya Munro, 1940s

    Sonya Munro, Decade Coordinator for the 1940s, dated Johnny Brine Johnston (MCI 1936-1941) and the two had plans for a future together until the war intervened. Johnny wound up in the RCAF flying bombers in South East Asia Command and was shot down over Moulmein, Burma with his crew.

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  • Lorne Hillard Clarke

    Principal of Malvern, 1938-1947 A popular education leader, mathematician, physical trainer. Builder and creator of new departments and ideas. Championed the rights and options of Malvern students. Sponsored the importance of music involving orchestras and choirs.

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  • MRBS President visits Malvern men’s graves in Germany

    Vandra Masemann and her husband Volker were travelling in Germany this past January and made a detour to visit the Becklingen War Cemetery, where two Malvernites are buried.

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  • Malvern Collegiate’s Red and Black Society repairing books honouring students who fought in the Second World War

    Beach Mirror By Joanna Lavoie Malvern Collegiate, an 111-year-old high school in the Upper Beach, is doing its part to honour those from the school who served in the Second World War, which Canada officially entered 75 years ago on Sept. 10, 1939, declaring war on Germany.

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  • Malvern’s ‘Big Book’ remembers school’s vets

    Malvern’s Second World War memorial isn’t a statue, it’s a pair of books. “Adams, D.” It’s the first name you encounter on opening the ‘Big Book’ and it’s just about the only thing you will learn about him, if you are lucky enough to see it in the archives of the Malvern Red & Black Society (MRBS), which are open infrequently and only by appointment.

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  • Help restore Malvern’s Big Book of WW2 veterans photos

    There’s no statue to honour the graduates of Malvern CI who served in the Second World War like the statue out front of the school honouring the grads who served in the First World War. That’s why we are trying to restore the Big Book, a photo album with hundreds of portraits of the men and women who served in Canada’s army, navy and air force in 1939-1945. The book is badly in need of repair and the photos need to be removed, cleaned and scanned for a planned online database.

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  • Did you serve in the Canadian Forces, post-1945?

    The MRBS is compiling a list of grads who served with the Canadian Forces after 1945. If you or someone you know joined the army, navy or air force at any time since then, we want to hear from you. We are also looking for Korean War veterans, peacekeepers, and veterans of later conflicts in Europe and the Middle East. If you can help locate these Malvern grads, please contact David Fuller.

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