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Malvern CI

Information about the school itself, including the link to the website on the TDSB.  

  • Malvern Boys win city baseball champsionship

    Malvern’s boys baseball team has won the Toronto District Secondary Schools Athletic Association championship for 2014, defeating Richview Saints 12-2 in the final at Talbot Park Monday. The game was a rematch of last year’s final, won by Richview. The victory was especially sweet for the graduating seniors who have worked for this day for several years. Congrats to everyone.

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  • Malvern Red & Black Day – Oct 5, 2012.

    The Malvern Red & Black Day brought out the Malvern spirit during the all day event.  When I arrived, the girls had already won both their Field Hockey games.  While I was there, the boys’ soccer team won their game and I saw the Malvern touchdown in the boys’ first game.  The Junior and Senior teams were playing that day.

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  • New at MCI

    Malvern CI has its own school website. For the latest information about the school, please click here.

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