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Beach Metro Community News

The Beach Metro Community News regularly carries stories about Malvern sports, activities and history.  

  • Soliders at Vimy Ridge

    Vimy Centenary and the veterans of Malvern

    In the Centenary of the First World War being marked between 2014 and 2018, no date will be more talked about than April 9, 1917, the day Canadian troops successfully attacked a seven-kilometre stretch of Northern France known as Vimy Ridge. Apart from the fact that upwards of 25,000 people are expected to travel to the memorial that now stands there on the 100th anniversary of the battle, it is also one of the most remembered dates in Canada’s 150-year history, including here in The Beach, home to the hundreds of local men who fought in the battle.

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  • Remembrance Day 2014 at Malvern

    Dear Members of the Community and Media, On Tuesday, Nov. 11, Malvern Collegiate Institute will be hosting a special Remembrance Day presentation and we invite you and your organization to attend.

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  • Malvern history celebrated as reunion nears

    From Beach Metro News – By David Fuller • April 4, 2013 History has found one of the men of Malvern Collegiate again, just a couple months before the school celebrates its 110th anniversary. His name was Sgt. Morris Murray and he was killed on June 6, 1944, which is why his story was last told by this writer when a Malvern Grade 10 class travelled to Normandy, France in March 2009. The students were there to visit his gravesite in Bény-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery along with those of two other Malvern men killed in later battles.

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  • Beach Metro Community News

    The Beach Metro Community News is a local newspaper serving the Beach Community. Their stories about Malvern have helped us to raise funds to save the pool and to restore our statue. It also carries stories about Malvern Alumni and Veterans. If you want to read current issues, please click here to see more.

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  • Memorial and its stories will be both be restored this summer

    The names are listed in lead letters that are slowly falling away from the granite background. They belong to the 25 men of Malvern Collegiate Institute killed during the First World War and remembered on the cenotaph erected by a grateful Beach community in 1922.

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